Why Rifqa Bary Fled Islam to Follow Jesus

Rifqa Bary was raised in a strict Muslim family from Sri Lanka. She came to know about Christianity but she keep it in secret in her family. At age 16, Bary took a brave step after her Muslim parents found out she had renounced Islam and had become a Christian. She ran away from home in Ohio and took refuge with Christians in Florida she had met on Facebook.

Rifqa Bary Christian testimony fled Islam to become christian
Rifqa Bary, 22-year-old college student tells her remarkable story in a new book, Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus. (Photo Credit: CBN.com)

In her short interview with CBN, Bary shares the threat of so-called honor killings for those who renounce Islam. Back then, she feared that if she return home, her father would try to kill her. She said it was just not a threat but it’s a reality.

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