So, are you curious what Kanye West had to say at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church? Here is a video uploaded at Youtube. I hope it won’t be taken down as I noticed that some videos have already been removed. Be quick to watch and share to your friends.
Kanye West: ” Well I know that God’s been calling me for a long time and the devil’s been distracted me for a long time, and when I was in my lowest points, God was there with me and sending me visions and inspiring me.”
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12 NASB
I am the light of the world – The fountain whence an intellectual light and spiritual understanding proceed: without me all is darkness, misery, and death. The Divine Being was, by the rabbins denominated, The light of the world. So in Bamidbar Rabba: “The Israelites said to God, O Lord of the universe, thou commandest us to light lamps to thee, yet thou art The Light of The World: and with thee the light dwelleth.” Our Lord, therefore, assumes here a well known character of the Supreme Being; and with this we find the Jews were greatly offended.
Shall not walk in darkness – He shall be saved from ignorance, infidelity, and sin. If he follow me, become my disciple, and believe on my name, he shall have my Spirit to bear witness with his, that he is a child of God. He shall have the light of life – such a light as brings and supports life. The sun, the fountain of light, is also the fountain of life: by his vivifying influences, all things live – neither animal nor vegetative life could exist, were it not for his influence. Jesus, the Sun of righteousness, Mal_4:2, is the fountain of all spiritual and eternal Life. His light brings life with it, and they who walk in his light live in his life. This sentiment is beautifully expressed and illustrated in the following inimitable verse (all monosyllables except one word) of that second Spenser, Phineas Fletcher. Speaking of the conversion of a soul to God, he says: –
“New Light new Love, new Love new Life hath bred; A Life that lives by Love, and loves by Light: A Love to him, to whom all Loves are wed; A Light, to whom the sun is darkest night: Eye’s Light, heart’s Love, soul’s only Life he is: Life, soul, love, heart, Light, eye, and all are his: He eye, Light, heart, Love, soul; He all my joy and bliss.” Purple Island, Can. I. v. 7.
The Light Of The World | Inspirational Christian Video
Be inspired with this wonderful performance from award winner singer songwriter Josh Groban and the African Children’s Choir.
“Since 1984 over one thousand children have toured as members of the African Children’s Choir. Their message of hope has touched audiences around the world, and changed the lives of thousands more of Africa`s most vulnerable children.
This is a very practical teaching presentation of The Way of the Master by Livingwaters Ministry of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. On the video description on their Youtube Channel, they wrote: “The Jehovah’s Witnesses are best known for going door-to-door. You have probably seen them in your area, and more than likely they have knocked on your door. They recently spent over 1.2 billion hours in one year proclaiming the “good news of Jehovah and His Kingdom”. What do they believe, and more important, how can you effectively reach them with the truth? This episode will tell you what to say.” I highly recommend that every Christian must watch this video to understand what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and we can point out the truth of the Word of God if we truly care for them for salvation. Make Sure you share this link on your social media accounts or send to someone who might need this. God bless you.
Watch Video: How to Witness a Jehovah’s Witness
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1
Sharing this video of Francis Chan preaching and announcing his plan to move to Asia in February and be a “fisher of men” in his missions ministry. Francis Chan is an American preacher and he is former teaching pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, California, a church he and his wife started in 1994. He is also the Founder and Chancellor of Eternity Bible College. If you a book lover, he is the famous author of Crazy Love. He announced that he and his wife, Lisa, whom he marred in 1994, made the bold decision after visiting Myanmar a few months ago where they went for mission visiting hut to hut with a translator explaining to natives who Jesus is and what it means to be a Christian. Watch this video and be blessed!
Francis Chan: I’m Leaving in 2020 “Be Fishers of Men
“For years, I realized we’ve been trying different types of baits. The fish are not biting. They’re blinded.” – Francis Chan