Category Archives: Preaching/Sermons

Joyce Meyer Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman

Joyce Meyer Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman

Secret #1 A confident woman knows that she is loved

The first and most important secret to being a confident woman is to know that you are loved by God unconditionally. Romans 5:8 says, …God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. Even if your natural father did not really love you properly, you can still get the love and acceptance you missed in your childhood from God.

Secret #2—A Confident Woman Refuses To Live In Fear

I think you will agree that refusing to be led by our feelings can be a challenge, especially when it comes to fear. But we must remember that fear is not from God. It is the devil’s tool to keep us from enjoying our lives and moving forward with what God has for us. When we attempt to walk in faith, Satan immediately tries to hinder us through many things, including fear. Fear of failure, judgment or criticism will cause us to bury our talents. It will make us draw back and live in misery and torment. Unless we make a firm decision to “fear not,” we will never be free from its power.

Secret #3—A Confident Woman Is Positive

Being negative and being confident do not go together. Like oil and water, they just don’t mix. Being negative opens the door to a lot of problems and disappointments, which fuels the fire for more negativity. Fear is the “dark room” where all your negatives are developed. So why not look at the brighter side of life and believe something good is going to happen to you?

Secret #4—A Confident Woman Recovers From Setbacks

In this life you and I are inevitably going to experience setbacks. The important thing is that we not see them as failures. We are not a failure just because we try something that doesn’t work. It’s only when we stop trying that we fail. The truth is, many people get confused when they’re trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do with their lives. This was definitely true in my life. I discovered my destiny by trial and error.

Secret #5—A Confident Woman Avoids Comparison

It is impossible to walk in confidence and compare ourselves with others at the same time. No matter how good we look or how talented, smart and successful we are, there is always someone who is better than us. I believe that confidence is found in doing the best we can with what we have. God wants us to find joy in being the best we can be, not in competing or comparing ourselves with others.

Secret #6—A Confident Woman Does Not Live In “If Only” And “What If”

One of the worst things you and I can do is to focus on what we don’t have or have lost and fail to take an inventory of what we do have. I call it living in a state of “if only.” Does this sound familiar: “If only I had more education…more money…more opportunity. If only I were taller, shorter, older, younger…” and the list goes on.

Secret #7—A Confident Woman Takes Action

I have heard it said that there are two types of people in the world: those who wait for something to happen and those who make something happen. It’s true that we need to be careful not to get ahead of God, but we also must be mindful not to be lagging behind. I believe we need to step out into things and find out what God has for us. As I said earlier, if we make a mistake it is not the end of the world.

Joyce Meyer Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer

Further Readings:

  • [amazon_link id=”145554910X” target=”_blank” ]Change Your Words, Change Your Life: Understanding the Power of Every Word You Speak[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”145551747X” target=”_blank” ]God Is Not Mad at You: You Can Experience Real Love, Acceptance & Guilt-free Living[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”0446538582″ target=”_blank” ]Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions[/amazon_link]

Darlene Zschech Shares her Heart of Worship

Darlene Zschech shares her thoughts about worship. She is undoubtedly one of the most well known Christian music worship leaders in this modern times. Darlene was worship pastor of Hillsong Church from 1996-2007 and in January 2011, Zschech and her husband became senior pastors at Church Unlimited, later renamed Hope Unlimited Church, in Charmhaven on the New South Wales Central Coast. She is the author of one of the most popular song entitled “Shout to the Lord” that has a huge impact and become one of the anthems of many Churches worldwide.

Darlene Zschech ‘Heart of Worship’ Part 1

Darlene Zschech ‘Heart of Worship’ Part 2

“God give each one each gift. A worshipper at heart. It’ my greater call.” – Darlene Zschech

“You need to be a worshipper yourself not just on a Sunday. You just love that intimacy with God.”- Darlene Zschech

More about Darlene:
Darlene Zschech official Site:
Hope Unlimited Church:

Credits: Awesome City TV Yuotube. Presented by Stephen and also co-hosted with well known UK worship leader, songwriter, and teacher, Chris Bowater (

What is Christmas? Rare 1965 Billy Graham Sermon

What is the True Meaning of Christmas

The once youthful Reverend Billy Graham preached this message called “The True Meaning of Christmas” in 1965. Well, most of us were not born yet back then but this message is simply timeless. It’s still a very relevant, very appropriate, and very challenging message especially  for the youth of today. As we have read on the news today, Reverend Billy Graham is confined in the hospital and believers around the world are praying for Billy Graham to regain strength and good health. This 1965 Message is surely one of his legacies. He was 34 years old when he preached this message. It’s a passionate message  about the true meaning of Christmas.

Part of his message is a reminder for believers to stand against harmful behaviors like drunkenness at office parties, focusing on presents or Santa Claus, etc.  He teaches on three barricades that the enemy has put up to keep us from experiencing a Christ-centered Christmas.

Be blessed and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Video: 1965 Billy Graham Christmas Message

William FranklinBillyGraham, Jr. (born November 7, 1918) is an American evangelical Christian evangelist, ordained as a Southern Baptist minister, who rose to celebrity status in 1949 reaching a core constituency of white, middle-class, moderately conservative Protestants.[2] He held large indoor and outdoor rallies; sermons were broadcast on radio and television, some still being re-broadcast today.[3]

Graham was a spiritual adviser to several Presidents; he was particularly close to Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon.[4] During the civil rights movement, he began to support integrated seating for his revivals and crusades; in 1957 he invited Martin Luther King, Jr. to preach jointly at a revival in New York City. Graham bailed King out of jail in the 1960s when he was arrested in demonstrations.

Graham operates a variety of media and publishing outlets.[5] According to his staff, more than 3.2 million people have responded to the invitation at Billy Graham Crusades to “accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior”. As of 2008, Graham’s estimated lifetime audience, including radio and television broadcasts, topped 2.2 billion.[5]

Graham has repeatedly been on Gallup’s list of most admired men and women. He has appeared on the list 55 times since 1955 (including 49 consecutive years), more than any other individual in the world.[6] Grant Wacker reports:

“By the middle 1960s, he had become the ‘Great Legitimator.’ …His presence conferred sanctity on events, authority on presidents, acceptability on wars, desirability on decency, [and] shame on indecency….By the middle 1970s, many deemed him ‘America’s pastor.'”[2]

Source: Wikipedia

Joyce Meyer Seven Secrets of a Confident Women

Joyce Meyer teaches the Seven Secrets of a Confident Women. A well known teacher of the Word of God, Joyce Meyer communicate the Word of God in simple and practical way.  She has a very popular  TV Program called Enjoying Everyday Life,  that has a very massive audience all the over the world. Joyce Meyer  travels the world and speak in many conferences.

Joyce Meyer Seven Secrets of a Confident Women

1. A confident woman knows that she is loved.

2. A Confident Woman Refuses To Live In Fear.

3. A Confident Woman Is Positive.

4. A Confident Woman Recovers From Setbacks.

5. A Confident Woman Avoids Comparison.

6. A Confident Woman Does Not Live In “If Only” And “What If.”

7. A Confident Woman Takes Action.

About Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, she teaches on a number of topics with a particular focus on the mind, mouth, moods and attitudes. Her candid communication style allows her to share openly and practically about her experiences so others can apply what she has learned to their lives.

Joyce hosts a TV and radio show, Enjoying Everyday Life®, which broadcasts worldwide to a potential audience of 4.5 billion people. She has authored 100 books, which have been translated into more than 100 languages. More than 12 million of her books have been distributed free of charge around the world, and each year millions of copies are sold. Continue reading Joyce Meyer Biography here

Joyce Meyer Books

  • [amazon_link id=”145554910X” target=”_blank” ]Change Your Words, Change Your Life: Understanding the Power of Every Word You Speak[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”1455517380″ target=”_blank” ]Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits: 14 New Behaviors That Will Energize Your Life[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”0446691097″ target=”_blank” ]Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”0446538582″ target=”_blank” ]Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”044669259X” target=”_blank” ]Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing[/amazon_link]
  • [amazon_link id=”1455529389″ target=”_blank” ]The Everyday Life Bible: The Power of God’s Word for Everyday Living[/amazon_link]


David Jeremiah Preaching on Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare:”When Christians Wouldn’t Know They Were in a War”

Pastor David Jeremiah pointed out that our present culture is in spiritual crossroad. There is an increasing intensity of spiritual warfare. And how so many Christians are unaware of who the real spiritual enemy is. On this teaching, he will talk about the true nature of the enemy of Christians. He started with these verses in 1 Timothy 4:1Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons;” and Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” 

Spiritual warfare,  “from a Christian perspective, is the cosmic war of good versus evil: its battles are fought daily between God and Satan; between the Christian Church and the world system ruled by our spiritual enemy; and within every child of God, between the Holy Spirit and the lusts of the carnal flesh. The clear meanings of good and evil, as defined by God rather than man, are revealed within the verses of the Holy Bible and the life of Jesus Christ.[1]

David P. Jeremiah is a conservative evangelical Christian author, televangelist, and currently the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, an evangelical megachurch in El Cajon, California, a suburb of San Diego.

Don’t Give place to the Devil.” – David Jeremiah

Satan cannot defeat us if we walk in the Spirit.” – David Jeremiah

We do not have to live our lives in the fear of the devil. We only to come to the spiritual center, which is Jesus Christ, and to his cross. When we bow our knees before Him, first of all to give Him our and ask for the forgiveness of our sins. He will come and fill us with the strength we need to meet every challenge of everyday.” – David Jeremiah

credits: [1]What is spiritual warfare? by Robert Sims