Tag Archives: Faith

Shawn McDonald’s Testimony: A Hippie Reborn

Listening, watching, or hearing testimonies of people on how they found Jesus are simply too precious. Testimonies strengthen one’s faith. In the Book of Romans, Chapter 10 verse 17 it says: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Like in a court of law, the testimonies of witnesses are very useful and crucial to determine the guilt or innocent of the person accused of a crime. And therefore, as followers of Christ, we need to bring our stories or testimonies out. Let us continue to pray for opportunities to share them. There is power in testifying about our faith in Jesus Christ because it’s personal, relevant, and anointed.

Here is the testimony of Shawn McDonald.  “Shawn is a Contemporary Christian music (CCM) singer, songwriter and guitarist. As a child, McDonald lived with his grandparents because his parents could not take care of him. Not really understanding the situation, he became rebellious. He would sneak out of the house, drink alcohol, get intoxicated, and later use drugs.He ended up living on the streets where he grew up and sold drugs for money.” (source: Wikipedia)

[amazon_image id=”B004MQ6VQ0″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Closer[/amazon_image]
Shawn McDonald albums and CDs includes: [amazon_link id=”B004MQ6VQ0″ target=”_blank” ]Closer[/amazon_link],[amazon_link id=”B0002JP32O” target=”_blank” ]Simply Nothing[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B004Q67EIU” target=”_blank” ]Closer[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B000EDWM2W” target=”_blank” ]Ripen[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B000THINLW” target=”_blank” ]Live In Seattle[/amazon_link]
Credits: Video uploaded by on Youtube

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Christian testimony, Shawn McDonald, Shawn McDonald Testimony, Christian testimonies, Finding Jesus , Evangelism, Faith