Category Archives: atheist

Watch AUDACITY Full Movie (2015) HD – New Christian Movie about Homosexuality and Gay Marriage by Ray Comfort

Audacity is the new Christian movie about homosexuality and gay marriage produced by Ray Comfort, a well-known Christian evangelist who’s preached the Gospel alongside actor Kirk Cameron in the TV series “The Way of the Master.” This Audacity Movie hopes to bring peace between the church and the LGBT community. This short was uploaded by Livingwaters Ministry at Youtube and it is drawing a lot of attention. Just read the comments on Youtube and you’ll get what I mean.

About Audacity Movie

Peter (Travis Owens) is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben (Ben Price, Australia’s Got Talent finalist) to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana (Molly Ritter) to defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage, will he have the courage to stand for what he believes—even at the risk of losing a friendship? And how will he respond when faced with a harrowing life-or-death experience?

“Audacity” uses a unique approach to address a very sensitive subject in contemporary society. Regardless of your views on homosexuality, you’ll gain fresh insights and a new perspective.

Do most Christians hate gays?

“If I’m not true to what the Bible says about homosexuality, it’s like those woman in the faulty elevator before they step into it. If I really love people, then I must say something. Love can’t stay silent.”

Watch AUDACITY Full Movie (2015) HD - New Christian Movie about Homosexuality and Gay Marriage by Ray Comfort
Photo Credit: Screenshot from Audacity Youtube Video

tags: audacity movie, homosexuality movie, gay marriage film, homosexuality film

Atheist Saved by The Truth of The Sovereign God

Without Jesus Christ there is no hope. There is no Truth. There is no external objects. There is just complete lost. There is darkness. Searching out and cannot find anything.” – Michael, a former athiest

Michael was challenged with the true Truth while on a college campus and he soon came to realize that his philosophy and atheism could not stand against the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning…” ? C.S. Lewis

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. – John 8:32

Atheism, Testimonies, conversion, christian testimony, atheist turn christian

Interesting Street Interview: Do You Believe The Story of Noah?

Do you literally believe the Story of Noah? Have you seen the latest Hollywood sensation blockbuster movie, Noah? It has caused a lot of controversy in the Christian community about it’s content and how this very popular Bible story was depicted. But here’s another Noah Movie. It’s a Youtube blockbuster too! It has gained 700,000+ views. It’s so controversial in the sense that it causes a stir about what we stand for as Christians. It’s street evangelism that you really need to watch until the end. Well done Livingwaters Ministries! This is too good to share. Be blessed!

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. – Matthew 24:37-39

Atheist Group To Run 'No God' Slogan on New Zealand Buses

Would you ride a bus painted with a slogan  that says “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life?”

An atheist group in New Zealand is now busy raising funds and defending plans to raise $10,000 to run a controversial slogan on the side of New Zealand buses.The latest news says that they doubled their target to $20,000.00 after they have reached their earlier target. They launch their campaign in a prime time TV interview program and now sparks a great debate in New Zealand. Chief atheist campaigner Simon Fisher said ithat they would pay for advertisements on 12 buses in Auckland, eight in Wellington and four in Christchurch, each staying on the buses for four weeks.

“Atheism is so senseless.” Sir Isaac Newton

Like Christians who are passionate about spreading the Good News, atheists on the other hand are even more passionate trying to prove something that defies the truth. But unfortunately, it becoming more evident that atheists are beginning to doubt their belief  as shown by their slogan.  They used the term “probably” instead of campaigning upfront  that  there is “no God”.  It only shows that it is impossible for them to prove the non-existence of God who created everything, atheists included.
Unknown to atheists, unless they are secretly reading the Bible, christians have a proven cure for “worry.” Philippians 4:6 says “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Jesus also said “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Enjoying life is not an issue for a true christian.
I guess this campaign does more good for christians. It is God-focussed. More and more people, not only New Zealanders, will be puzzled and would try their best to seek God. So, to my atheist friends, bring it on and let the campaign begin! God will surely smile and probably will say, “at least you’ve tried.”
P.S. what about if atheist will go door knocking like the Jehovah’s witness and Mormons? The scenario would something like this.
Enjoy the ride!