Tag Archives: conversion

Muslim Jihadist Met Jesus and Became Christian – Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem was born in Lebanon and trained as a Jihadist. He came to USA for the cultural Jihad at age of 20. He went to Bible belt to convert people to Islam. One day, he got involved in car wreck and he started to meet Christians.

“We were training for what’s called, ‘Culture Jihad,’ which is shifting cultures. Culture Jihad is unlike the sword, unlike the rifle. It is the Jihad that will come into your world.” “In Islam, liberty, freedom, monarchy, all these are idols and must be brought down. So the liberty that you have in United States of America is anti-Islam, so America must be changed. So I moved to the ‘Bible Belt’ specifically. The Bible Belt was the strongest of the strongest. That’s where the stout Christians are, and I want to take on the best of the best, because I considered myself as the sword of Islam. I thought, ‘I’m anointed. I’m unique. I’m selected. I’m coming to a country and a culture to change it. I have the power of Allah with me.'” – Kamal
Credits: HeavenVisitNet

Muslim Jihadist Met Jesus and Became Christian - Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem, Testimonies, conversion, testimony,jihadist, muslim

How a French Atheist Becomes Christian Theologian

I started thinking: What good reason was there to think God exists, and what good reason was there to think atheism was true? This step was important, because my own unbelief rested comfortably on the fact that the smart people around me didn’t believe in God either. It was more a reasonable life assumption than the conclusion of a solid argument. But of course, if I was going to refute Christianity, I first needed to know what it claimed. So I picked up a Bible.- Guillaume Bignon

Have you heard the testimony of a French Atheist Becomes Christian theologian? His name is Guillaume Bignon. Born and raised in France, Guillaume was happy and successful as an atheist. He studied math, physics, and engineering in college, graduated from a respected engineering school, and landed a job as a computer scientist in finance. On the sports front, at a height of 6 feet 4 inches, he was playing volleyball in a national league, traveling the country every weekend for the games. Yeah, he was a successful atheist. So why is he now a Christian theologian? Find out how God changed him in this interview.

Read more about Guillaume Bignon by visiting his blog: theologui.blogspot.com
You can also read his article at christianitytoday.com entitled: How a French Atheist Becomes a Theologian

Christianity, Atheist Becomes Christian, atheism, conversion, testimony, atheist to christianity, conversion story, faith testimony

Atheist Saved by The Truth of The Sovereign God

Without Jesus Christ there is no hope. There is no Truth. There is no external objects. There is just complete lost. There is darkness. Searching out and cannot find anything.” – Michael, a former athiest

Michael was challenged with the true Truth while on a college campus and he soon came to realize that his philosophy and atheism could not stand against the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning…” ? C.S. Lewis

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. – John 8:32

Atheism, Testimonies, conversion, christian testimony, atheist turn christian

Jesus Christ Saved Me from 27 Years of Homosexuality

David testifies to being saved from a homosexual lifestyle that consumed his life for 27 years. David was involved deep into the lifestyle and only by God’s Grace was He set free and made new in Christ.

David’s Testimony: Freedom from Homosexuality

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1