Rock of Ages – Taking Christ into Our Boats on the Stormy Sea

Rock of Ages – Taking Christ into Our Boats on the Stormy Sea

Rock of ages Taking Christ into Our Boats on the Stormy Sea
“If we take Christ into our boats on the stormy sea, we will ride on in safety through earth’s difficulties to heaven’s shore.”

“When Jesus comes to us our trouble ceases. At His command the wildest storm instantly becomes calm. The trouble itself may not leave us but it is no longer troublesome when He is with us. The wind may not stop blowing and beat upon our lives but He makes peace within us. It is far better to have so much grace that our hearts can be calm and quiet in the fiercest storm, than to have the storm itself quieted while our hearts remain restless. Peace within is far better than calm without.

In a gallery in Italy there are two pictures side by side by different artists. One represents a sea tossed by storms. Dark clouds hang over it and the lightning-bolts pierce the sky. The angry waves roll in anger. In the turbulent water a dead human face is seen. The other represents a sea similarly storm tossed; but in the middle of the angry waters is a rock. In the rock a gap, or cleft with green plants and flowers and in the middle of these is a dove quietly sitting on her nest.

These two pictures tell the whole story of human life in this world. The first is the story of life without Christ, unblessed by His presence and peace. There is storm everywhere with no shelter. The other picture paints the peace which Christ gives. Life is just as stormy. The waves roll just as high but now there is peace. The rock represents Christ; it is in the cleft of the rock that the peace is found. It is just like the old hymn states:

“Rock of ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee.”

It is in the redemption of Christ alone that we can have peace. If we take Christ into our boats on the stormy sea, we will ride on in safety through earth’s difficulties to heaven’s shore.” 

Excepted from Peace In Storm, ” Daily Readings In The Life of Christ” Dr. James R. Miller Devotional

Jesus – The Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages- A Christian hymn composed by Augustus M. Toplady in 1775. Sung in the video by the Antrim Mennonite Choir, from their album ‘Amazing Grace.’

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