Tag Archives: Billy Graham Message

The Cross – A Billy Graham Message

The Cross Billy Graham Message To AmericaFor 60 years, the Reverend Billy Graham has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ at his age of 95, he shares this Message of The Cross from their home in North Carolina. Reverend Billy Graham has been referred to and popular known as Billy Sunday, Evangelist, Teacher, Author, Dr. Billy Graham, and he is fact one of the most inspirational spiritual leaders of the 20th Century. A popular TV anchor asked: “What is your purpose in life?” Rev. Billy Graham answered and he said  “to go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel of Christ.”

As I look back over my life, it is full of surprises. I never thought that I would become friends in different countries all over the world. I see how God’s hand guided me. When I began preaching many years ago, it was not with any thoughts thatI’d be preaching to large audiences. God has done this.” – Rev. Billy Graham

Video Clip: The Cross

Billy Graham Message To America | Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
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