Tag Archives: Christian News

Changing Trends of Churches in America

Here’s a clip from Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) about the changing trends of churches in the United States of America. It looks on the different cultures such as Hispanics, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and other ethnicity.

Researchers report a major trend in church demographics in the U.S. Young Hispanics — raised as Catholics — are joining Evangelical and Pentecostal congregations. It’s a growing movement that will have significant impact on the makeup and mission of churches in America.” – CBN.com

Christian News, Christian Updates, Changing Church,Church News

Underground Faith: Testimony of Jose Enriquez, One of the 33 Trapped Miners in Chile

Trapped Chile Miner
Last August 2010, an underground shaft collapsed in a mine in Northern Chile, trapping 33 miners deep underground. The whole world followed the dramatic events and watched with joy as the miners emerged one by one from the shaft three months later. Many of those rescued miners have since become celebrities, but one in particular feels the world needs to hear his story (CBN News) Continue reading Underground Faith: Testimony of Jose Enriquez, One of the 33 Trapped Miners in Chile