Tag Archives: dealing with pornography

Freedom from Pornography James Testimony

Freedom from Pornography James TestimonyJames tells his story about how pornography made him a slave since his teenage years. He is sharing his testimony to give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Pornography get hold of him just by browsing some magazines at a grocery then he move on to adult magazines and internet. He resorted to lying to his parents just to cover things that he is doing alright. He was consumed. He was controlled by it. His impulse of looking to pornography was so great. He said he was fool back then then even though he knew that he has prayed the sinners prayer.

“Examine your heart. Everything is a heart issue. Be filled by the Holy Spirit and you’ll be free from any addiction.”- James

Video: Freedom from Pornography James Testimony 
  Credits: I'll Be Honest Youtube Channel | Freedom from Pornography, James' Testimony 

And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. – Matthew 5:30