Tag Archives: Fellowship Songs

You Are My Strength

This is a powerful worship song from Hillsong Worship Team. It’s a love song declaring Jesus as our Strength, our Hope, our portion. His love reaches to the heavens and His faithfulness reaches to the skies! Praise God for the gift of music.

The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise Him.
Psalm 28:7




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Hillsong United, Hillsong Music,
Hillsong Australia,Hillsong Live, Hillsong Album, Worship Hymns, Fellowship Songs, Contemporary Hymns, You Are My Strength, You Are My Strength song, You Are My Strength worship song, You Are My Strength Hillsong, You Are My Strength Hillsong Live