Tag Archives: Hillsong Live Worship

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) Hillsong Live Worship Song

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) Hillsong Live Worship Song
Amazing grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see…

It’s amazing that God uses broken people as His vessels. Yes, ordinary people like you and me. God sees us and uses us mightily in His Kingdom if we are willing. The lyrics of this song Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) particularly summed it up:

“You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this heart Lord
I’ll be your vessel
The world to see.”
As you listen to this song, we pray that it will stir up your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and praying that your heart is willing to serve Him in any way you can do. Go bless you!

Video: Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)

 Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) Credits: Hillsong Live Youtube Channel

Calvary – No Other Name (Deluxe Edition)Tags: Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace), Hillsong Live Worship Song, No Other Name Album, Hillsong Live Worship, Broken Vessels