Tag Archives: John Waller Songs

John Waller – As for Me and My House

“A devoted husband, a loving father and a fierce believer in God’s word, John Waller pours a torrent of emotion into the songs on “As For Me and My House”. “This album has promises. It’s about the clarity that comes when we remove anything that takes the place of God,” he says. “There have been a lot of idols in my life in the last couple of years—one being music. Wanting to make it and be established as a Christian artist became an idol in my life. I came to a place where I said, ‘I’m done doing that! I’m done building my kingdom, Lord I give it all to you. I just want to build your kingdom and I don’t care how that looks.’” Read more here

As for me and my house We will serve the Lord We will serve the Lord Idols raised, tear them down Cause we will serve the Lord We will serve the Lord To one king we bow down As for me and my house We will only serve the Lord

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