Tag Archives: Tommy Walker CDs DVDs

Tommy Walker – Thank You For Loving Me

This is a brilliant worship song from Tommy Walker.  The lyrics of this song is so profound about the love of God; what Jesus has done; and who He is in our lives. The first stanza goes: “What love the Father has lavished on us. That we should be called His sons and daughters. Precious in His sight; Greater love this world had never seen When He hung on that tree O why would He do such a thing For dirty sinners like you and me?”  It’s just so wonderful. I’ve been listening to this song again and again. I am blessed every time. I would definitely practice this song with my guitar. Be blessed.

Tommy has led worship at Christian Assembly in Los Angeles, California with his pastor, Mark Pickerill, since 1990. He has traveled with Promise Keepers, Greg Laurie Harvest Crusades and Franklin Graham. He has also been privileged to serve with such church leaders as Jack Hayford, Bill Hybels and Rick Warren. He has recorded worship projects for Maranatha! Music, Integrity Music, and Get Down Ministries.” (source: Tommy Walker Website http://www.tommywalker.net)

O God thank You for loving me
When on the cross You made history
Lord You died for me
Forever my praise will go to Thee
O God thank You for choosing me
To be Your child and bear Your name
O Jesus I will never cease to sing Your praise

Credits: Video Uploaded by in Youtube

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