What’s Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham

What is the greatest problem of this world? Rev. Billy Graham discuss this very important topic that are rarely preach on at this age especially in a “feel good”, “prosperity”, and “self help” congregations. Where there is no longer conviction and no fear of breaking God’s Ten Commandments, then we are in a huge pestilence.
What's Wrong with the World 1958 by Dr. Billy Graham

What’s Wrong with the World? by Dr.Billy Graham

Theologians have sought for centuries to determine what the essence of sin is. Some have chosen sensuality, others selfishness, and still others pride or unbelief. In the Old Testament, God applied different penalties to different sins, suggesting variations in the seriousness of some sins. A thief paid restitution; an occult practitioner was cut off from Israel; one who committed adultery or a homosexual act or cursed his parents was put to death (see Exodus, chapter 22 and Leviticus, chapter 20). In the New Testament Jesus said it would be more bearable on the day of judgment for Sodom than for Capernaum because of Capernaum’s unbelief and refusal to repent after witnessing His miracles (Matthew 11:23-24). The sins of Sodom were identified in Ezekiel 16:21 as arrogance, gluttony, indifference to the poor and needy, haughtiness, and “detestable things.”… remember that whether our sins are relatively small or great, they will place us in hell apart from God’s grace. The good news is that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and the sins of the whole world at the Cross. If we will repent and turn to Jesus in faith, our sins will be forgiven, and we will receive the gift of eternal life. – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

What’s Wrong with the World, Dr.Billy Graham sermon, Billy Graham preaching, timeless preaching, sin, repentance


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