Category Archives: Headline

Calvary Hillsong Live

calvary hillsong live This is a beautiful song entitled ‘Calvary’ written by Reuben Morgan and Jonas Myrin for Hillsong Live released as an Easter Single on by Hillsong Music Australia. Here is some part of the lyrics:
The Savior alone carried the cross
For all of my depts
He paid the cost. Salvation complete,
Now forever I’m free.
Calvary covers it all

Calvary covers it all
My sin and shame don’t count anymore
All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all

 Calvary Hillsong Live Credits: Hillsong Live Youtube Channel

Calvary – No Other Name (Deluxe Edition)

Freedom from Pornography James Testimony

James tells his story about how pornography made him a slave since his teenage years. He is sharing his testimony to give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Pornography get hold of him just by browsing some magazines at a grocery then he move on to adult magazines and internet. He resorted to lying to his parents just to cover things that he is doing alright. He was consumed. He was controlled by it. His impulse of looking to pornography was so great. He said he was fool back then then even though he knew that he has prayed the sinners prayer.

“Examine your heart. Everything is a heart issue. Be filled by the Holy Spirit and you’ll be free from any addiction.”- James

Video: Freedom from Pornography James Testimony 
  Credits: I'll Be Honest Youtube Channel | Freedom from Pornography, James' Testimony 

And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. – Matthew 5:30

Amazing Graduation Speech – The ABCs of Life

This Amazing Graduation Speech The ABCs of Life is simply brilliant and full of wisdom. In less than 2 minutes, we can pick up nuggets of inspirational thoughts and life changing statements that we can put it into action. Indeed, we are faced with so many challenges and bumps along the way, but certainly these ABCs of Life will get us through and become victorious!

Video: Amazing Graduation Speech

Credits: Amazing Graduation Speech – The ABCs of Life | YourEternalDestiny1 Youtube Channel

Take the A-and accept the challenge
The B-and believe in ourselves
The C-convert our thoughts into hopes
The D-the determination to convert our hopes into dreams
We should E-expect some obstacles on the way up
And F-fight while we’re faithful and finish the course
We should G-get God on our side
And H-have a harving model of leadership
We should I-inspire someone else
And J-take Jesus on our journey
We should K-keep on keeping on
And L-be a leader
We should M-make everyday count
And N-never give up!
We must O-overcome our obstacles
And P-put our best foot forward
We must Q-quit quitting
And R-run the race with patience
We must S-strive on
While T-trusting in The Lord
We should U-use our talents
And V-value our time
We should W-wait for understanding
And X– x-ray our own lifestyles
We should Y-yearn to achieve all that we seek
And Z-be zealous when reaching the top!

The Cross – A Billy Graham Message

For 60 years, the Reverend Billy Graham has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ at his age of 95, he shares this Message of The Cross from their home in North Carolina. Reverend Billy Graham has been referred to and popular known as Billy Sunday, Evangelist, Teacher, Author, Dr. Billy Graham, and he is fact one of the most inspirational spiritual leaders of the 20th Century. A popular TV anchor asked: “What is your purpose in life?” Rev. Billy Graham answered and he said  “to go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel of Christ.”

As I look back over my life, it is full of surprises. I never thought that I would become friends in different countries all over the world. I see how God’s hand guided me. When I began preaching many years ago, it was not with any thoughts thatI’d be preaching to large audiences. God has done this.” – Rev. Billy Graham

Video Clip: The Cross

Billy Graham Message To America | Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
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