BLESSED are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven! (Matthew 5:10) Read this news article from the Associated Press regarding the latest mass killings of christian believers in Nigeria. What a cowardly act of the murderers! They didn’t even spare women and children. They are really evil and these fanaticals probably did it in exchange of  their promised several virgins of their ‘heaven”. But hey, how noble it is to die for the cause of Jesus Christ! Blessed are the victims for they stand up to their faith in Christ knowing that their reward will never be forgotten by God.
Jesus teaches us about the fear of God. He said in Luke 12 verses 4 to 5: “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!

JOS, Nigeria – Rioters armed with machetes slaughtered more than 200 people overnight Sunday as religious violence flared anew between Christians and Muslims in central Nigeria, witnesses said. Hundreds of people fled their homes, fearing reprisal attacks.

The bodies of the dead — including many women and children — lined dusty streets in three mostly Christian villages south of the regional capital of Jos, local journalists and a civil rights group said. They said at least 200 bodies had been counted by Sunday afternoon.

Torched homes smoldered after the 3 a.m. attacks that a region-wide curfew enforced by the country’s police and military should have stopped.

The killings represent the latest religious violence in an area once known as Nigeria’s top tourist destination, adding to the tally of thousands already killed in the last decade in the name of religious and political ambitions.

Jos lies in Nigeria’s “middle belt,” where dozens of ethnic groups mingle in a band of fertile and hotly contested land separating the Muslim north from the predominantly Christian south. Read full story here

Photo: CNN