Tag Archives: muslim

Dr Daniel Shayesteh – Ex Muslim Leader Preach Christ Crucified Testimony

Dr Daniel Shayesteh is an Iranian immigrant who arrived in Australia with his family in November 1991. Daniel is married to Mary and they have three daughters. Dr. Daniel was deeply involved in the Iranian Fundamentalist Revolution (1979) as a leading Muslim political leader and teacher of Islam and religious philosophy. He speaks three middle-eastern languages (Farsi, Turkish and Azerbaijani) and is an accomplished poet and classical middle-eastern musician. He was saved wonderfully through Christ, when he escaped to Turkey after falling out of favour with Khomeini’s political group. On his arrival in Australia Daniel sought fellowship with Christians from Islamic backgrounds. Read more about Dr. Daniel Shayesteh here

Dr Daniel Shayesteh Ex Muslim Leader Testimony

“There is no God but Allah and Allah is ONE”. Quran starts with a negative statement. The word “one” is Satan’s finest trick on Islam. Satan is a deceiver, but not a fool. Satan knows that within the “oneness” of anything, be it god or anything, there is “plurality and diversity”. Here Allah himself says and count himself says he is “One”.That means we can count Allah like one pen or one car. Why there is only one Allah and not 2 Allah’s? Quran gives the reason for that. Quran 21:22 and 23:91 says that if there is 2 Allah’s in this Universe, they both will fight each other for their belongings and at the end they both will destroy them self.See here the all powerful one Allah himself gives a very silly reason for his existence.Why Allah says throughout Quran that I am only One.Because these words are simply coming from a human’s brain and mouth.It is very clear that Mohammed knows about many tribes and its leaders of his time.Tribal leaders never allow 2 leader in one tribe at a time and also the tribes always fight each other for tribal supremacy.This assumption of tribal leadership fighting is simply introduced here in the Quran by Mohammed as the reason for why there is no 2 Allah’s. A supreme God never wants to tell like silly and lay man reasons of his existence.As per Holy Bible, God is an infinite spirit, and we cannot see him ever and this spirit is all knowing and all powerful.He is not restricted to being in one location at a time. He fills every inch of space throughout the universe with all His wonderful personal attributes.Bible says God’s spirit wants to stay inside each of us because our body is God’s temple.Thats why Christianity talking about the personnel God and its relationship. Although God is distinct from His creation, all His creation exists within Him. We cannot count almighty God.Therefore God of Bible and Allah of Quran is not same. Thank you for watching & God Bless you. – Dr Daniel Shayesteh

Muslim Leader found Lord Jesus Christ – Dr Daniel Shayesteh

Dr Daniel Shayesteh, Ex-Muslim Leader Testimony, Dr Daniel Shayesteh, Ex Muslim Leader Testimony, Dr Daniel Shayesteh testimony, Ex Muslim Leader Testimony, muslim, islam

Muslim Jihadist Met Jesus and Became Christian – Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem was born in Lebanon and trained as a Jihadist. He came to USA for the cultural Jihad at age of 20. He went to Bible belt to convert people to Islam. One day, he got involved in car wreck and he started to meet Christians.

“We were training for what’s called, ‘Culture Jihad,’ which is shifting cultures. Culture Jihad is unlike the sword, unlike the rifle. It is the Jihad that will come into your world.” “In Islam, liberty, freedom, monarchy, all these are idols and must be brought down. So the liberty that you have in United States of America is anti-Islam, so America must be changed. So I moved to the ‘Bible Belt’ specifically. The Bible Belt was the strongest of the strongest. That’s where the stout Christians are, and I want to take on the best of the best, because I considered myself as the sword of Islam. I thought, ‘I’m anointed. I’m unique. I’m selected. I’m coming to a country and a culture to change it. I have the power of Allah with me.'” – Kamal
Credits: HeavenVisitNet

Kamal Saleem, Testimonies, conversion, testimony,jihadist, muslim

Why Muslim Dr. Nabeel Qureshi Converted to Christianity

Dr. Nabeel Qureshi is a former devout Muslim who was convinced of the truth of the Gospel through historical reasoning and a spiritual search for God. Since his conversion, he has dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel through teaching, preaching, writing, and debating.

Dr. Nabeel Qureshi Testimony

“It should not be assumed that the Quran is the Islamic analogue of the Bible. It isn’t. For Muslims, the Quran is the closest thing to an incarnation of Allah, and it is the very proof they provide to demonstrate the truth of Islam. The best parallel in Christianity is Jesus himself, the Word made flesh, and his resurrection. That is how central the Quran is to Islamic theology.” ? Nabeel Qureshi, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity

Tags: Dr. Nabeel Qureshi Converted to Christianity, christian converts, converts, Islam, muslim converts, christian converts to Islam, christian, muslim, converted, islam, becomes muslim, accepts, reverts, Nabeel Qureshi, Christianity Testimony