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The Bible in Every Tongue: A 'God-Sized' Mission

She’s from Ohio and he’s from Alabama, but together they now call Uganda home. There, they are developing a written language for a remote African tribe. Their efforts are part of a project to translate the Bible into the last remaining languages on earth. 

Since 2008, the Schrocks have lived among the Ik people. There are about 10,000 Ik tribe members and they live close to the Kenyan border.

Amber is a nurse. When they arrived in the village, she found a woman with pain in her waist. “We have clinic on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.,” she said. “I’ve been seeing 75 to 100 people a week.”
Terrill is a linguist. “My personal style of language learning is just spending a lot of time surrounded by it,” he explained.

The Ik have always had an oral culture. But thanks to Terrill and his team, the tribe will soon have something they’ve never had before — a written language.

The husband and wife work for Wycliffe Bible Translators, the world’s largest Bible translation organization.
Several years ago, Wycliffe launched a project to reach an estimated 200 million people around the world with a Bible written in their own language.  
George Thomas CBN News Sr. Reporter

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All Of Creation – MercyMe


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1 Comment

  1. inspiredword

    What a great work!!

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