Lord I Offer My Life To You

“A child in a mission school offered her teacher a handful of weeds and grasses, wilted and soiled at that, which she called a bouquet. Did the teacher refuse the gift, and criticize the poor withered weeds? No, she accepted them with as sincere gratitude and as many thanks as if some wealthy friend had offered her an elegant bouquet of flowers. The child did what she could; and the teacher looking behind the gift saw the love in the little heart, and that transfigured her poor gift. So it is that Christ accepts our poorest work, or our homeliest offering, if it is our best.
But the lesson has another side. “She did what she could.” It is this, then, that pleases Christ. Are we doing what we could do? Do we always bring to Him our very best gifts? Do we never put Him off with the faded flowers, keeping the fresh and fragrant ones for ourselves? Do we do for Him our very best work? Are we faithful?
If we are only doing half what we might, we cannot take the comfort of this commendation. The widow’s mites were very acceptable coming from her, because they were all she had; but they would not have elicited any such commendation if one of the rich men had given them. A little child’s ministry is very beautiful for a child, but it would not be as fitting in the father or mother. We must really do the very best we can if we would have this commendation.” – Excerpted from Daily Devotionals with Dr. James R. Miller
Lord I Offer My Life To You, Lifting my praise to you.
Use it for Your glory. – Amen
Credits: Mich [CHRISTelle] Youtube Channel