This video teaching of the late Ravi Zacharias is a must watch video. He discussed why Islam is not what it really teaches. He talked about Mohammed, Koran, Ramadan, and other Muslim beliefs. If you are a Muslim, have an open mind before you watch this. It can save your soul.
Ravi Zacharias was an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. Zacharias was the author of more than 30 books on Christianity. Ravi Zacharias’s ultimate mission was a Christian apologist and evangelist: to present and defend the truth of Jesus Christ that others may find life in Him.

What Do Muslims Believe?
Muslims share certain beliefs, including:
- The oneness of God (Allah) – For Muslims, there is no entity worthy of worship but Allah. Allah has no partners, no progeny and no gender.
- Belief in God’s prophets – Muslims believe that Allah’s message was given to numerous prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, and other prophets common to Christianity and Judaism, as well as Muhammad. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet, in part because he had the most success instituting God’s word in his lifetime.
- Belief in angels – Muslims believe in spiritual beings who do the will of God.
- Belief in sacred books – These include the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel (P.S. not the same as the Bible gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Jonh), and the Quran.
- The day of judgment and resurrection – Muslims believe that human beings are accountable for their behavior during their lifetimes. At death, that behavior is part of what determines how the person will be judged.
More Articles of Ravi Zacharias
- Ravi Zacharias Sermon: Where is God in the Midst of Suffering and Injustice
- Ravi Zacharias: True Love in a Time of Crisis
- WATCH: Testimony of Ravi Zacharias of How He came to Christ
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