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Tag: Bible Quotes

I am the Light of the World

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12 NASB
I am the Light of the World John 8 v 12

Adam Clarke Commentary on John 8:12 Adam Clarke Bible Commentary Published 1810-1826

I am the light of the world – The fountain whence an intellectual light and spiritual understanding proceed: without me all is darkness, misery, and death. The Divine Being was, by the rabbins denominated, The light of the world. So in Bamidbar Rabba: “The Israelites said to God, O Lord of the universe, thou commandest us to light lamps to thee, yet thou art The Light of The World: and with thee the light dwelleth.” Our Lord, therefore, assumes here a well known character of the Supreme Being; and with this we find the Jews were greatly offended.

Shall not walk in darkness – He shall be saved from ignorance, infidelity, and sin. If he follow me, become my disciple, and believe on my name, he shall have my Spirit to bear witness with his, that he is a child of God. He shall have the light of life – such a light as brings and supports life. The sun, the fountain of light, is also the fountain of life: by his vivifying influences, all things live – neither animal nor vegetative life could exist, were it not for his influence. Jesus, the Sun of righteousness, Mal_4:2, is the fountain of all spiritual and eternal Life. His light brings life with it, and they who walk in his light live in his life. This sentiment is beautifully expressed and illustrated in the following inimitable verse (all monosyllables except one word) of that second Spenser, Phineas Fletcher. Speaking of the conversion of a soul to God, he says: –

“New Light new Love, new Love new Life hath bred;
A Life that lives by Love, and loves by Light:
A Love to him, to whom all Loves are wed;
A Light, to whom the sun is darkest night:
Eye’s Light, heart’s Love, soul’s only Life he is:
Life, soul, love, heart, Light, eye, and all are his:
He eye, Light, heart, Love, soul; He all my joy and bliss.”
Purple Island, Can. I. v. 7.

The Light Of The World | Inspirational Christian Video

You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. – Psalm 65:11 NKJV

You Crown the Year with Your Goodness Lord!

You crown the year with your goodness Psalm 64v11 “You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance.”- Psalm 65:11 NKJV

Hillsong Live – You Crown The Year (Psalm 65:11) with lyrics Praise the Name of the Lord O my soul sing His worth All of life join the song Come and lift up our King! John Gill’s Commentary Psalms 65:11

Thou crownest the year with thy goodness The whole circling year, from one end of it to the other; particularly that season of it when the harvest is gathered in; the seed being sown, the earth watered, the springing of it blessed, and the corn brought to perfection, the year is crowned with a plentiful harvest: this may denote the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of the redeemed, the whole Gospel dispensation, ( Isaiah 61:2 ) ( 63:4 ) ; in certain seasons and periods of which there have been great gatherings of souls to Christ; at the first of it multitudes were converted in Judea, and in the Gentile world, which were the first fruits of the Spirit; and in all ages there have been more or less instances of this kind; and in the latter day there will be a large harvest, when the Jews will be converted, and the fulness of the Gentiles brought in; and thy paths drop fatness; the heavens, as Jarchi interprets it; or the clouds, as Kimchi; which are the chariots and horses of God, in which he rides, and are the dust of his feet, ( Psalms 104:3 ) ( Habakkuk 3:15 ) ( Nahum 1:3 ) ; and these drop down rain upon the earth, and make it fat and flourishing; and may mystically design the administration of the Gospel, and the administration of ordinances; which are the paths in which the Lord goes forth to his people, and directs them to walk in, and in which he meets them with a fulness of blessings, and satisfies them as with marrow and fatness.  

Classic Worship Song: Eagles Wings by Hillsong

Isaiah 40v28 Renew Strength

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31 (New International Version, ©2011)

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I am not Ashame of the Gospel of Christ

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

(Romans 1:16-17)


for I am not ashame of the gospel of Christ

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Tags: Bible verses, scripture, Word for Today, Bible Quotes

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