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Tag: Freedom in Christ

Freedom from Drugs and Alcohol Addiction – Wesley’s Testimony

There is power in testimony. It’s the real miracle that Jesus is continuously doing in the lives of many people today. Being changed to a new self and walk in the ways of God is the greatest success that people should experience. The Bible says: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old is gone. Behold, all things become new!” Watch this wonderful testimony of a young man.

“I had I had a lot of identity issues as a kid and you know get expelled from school by grade 8. In drugs and alcohol really heavily by like 14 or 15. I kept a lot of that life hidden from my parents my brothers. I lived that life at all my teenage years right up until the age of 17. And I got caught for doing a few things and and it was there that I had an encounter with God in jail. Just in a cell on my own. I remember being freezing cold. You know young indigenous kids are the highest suicide rates in jail and deaths in custody. I was scared. I was gonna hang myself or something so they took the drawstring out of my boxer shorts. I couldn’t even couldn’t even hold my own pants up and so I’m laying in there just rock bottom for me but I just found myself crying. And just calling out saying: “God if you’re real help me. Change me. I need need help.” God turned up that night. when I got let out, it was a miracle.”

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Tags: Freedom from drugs and alcohol, personal testimony, freedom in Christ, Following Jesus, life testimony, Jesus Saves

You’re In A Position To Fight

I am sharing this devotional from Pastor Colin Smith  from his sermon “Rest in God’s Triumph” from the series Keeping Yourself in Spiritual Shape originally preached on June 29, 2003.

“Sin shall no longer be your master.”  Romans 6:14

 The moment you came to faith in Jesus Christ, God forgave your sins. He freed you from guilt, from condemnation and from hell, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). That is the beginning of your salvation, but it is certainly not the end.

freedom in Jesus Christ

You were sin’s prisoner

Sin is still your enemy. Sin is still powerful. Every believer is engaged in a struggle with sin. But when you are a Christian you are no longer under sin’s power, “Sin shall no longer be your master” (Romans 6:14).

 Before you came to Christ, sin was your master. You were like a prisoner of war: “A prisoner of the law of sin” (Romans 7:23). Your hands were tied. You were blindfolded. You were defenseless. You were in no position to fight. You were at the mercy of the enemy who had you in his power.

Now you can fight!

But now in Christ, you are no longer sin’s prisoner. God has put you in a position to fight back against sin, and that fight is a real battle. Your battle with sin is no longer one-sided, it has become like a boxing match.

Sin has been beating you up for a long time. But God takes off the blind fold and He frees your hands. God brings you out of the cell, and into a gymnasium where there is a boxing ring.


You climb in through the ropes, and you’re seated in one corner of the ring. In the other corner is the guard who used to beat you in the cell. Just the sight of him brings back feelings of helplessness and the fear of imminent defeat.


When the bell rings he comes out to hit you again, but now you are in an entirely different position. Your hands are free and your eyes are open. There is all the difference in the world. Before he could strike you at will, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. Now you can land one on him.

The knockout punch!

Now try and imagine yourself in the ring with him. You have been in a grueling contest for ten rounds. You have landed some good blows, but your opponent just won’t go down. He just keeps coming back!

 That’s a great picture of the battle against temptation. The longer the fight goes on, the more you long to see your opponent hit the canvas. One day he will.

 When Jesus Christ comes again in glory, your enemy, sin, will be down and out. He will never again rise to do battle with you. Your fight will be over. You will receive the crown of victory.

 God is our Savior. He saves us not only from sin’s penalty, but also from its power, and one day he will save us from its presence.

Devotional, Colin smith, Freedom in Christ, Sin, overcoming sin, sin battles, fighting sin

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