David testifies to being saved from a homosexual lifestyle that consumed his life for 27 years. David was involved deep into the lifestyle and only by God’s Grace was He set free and made new in Christ.
David’s Testimony: Freedom from Homosexuality
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1
This video is part of “Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity,” a live Q&A with author and scholar Dr. Ravi Zacharias on April 12, 2015 at Christ Community Chapel. The question is: “How do you respond to non-believers who accused Christians of being hateful to people who support lifestyle and not according to the precepts of our faith?”
Ravi Zacharias on the Christian View of Homosexuality
Ravi Zacharias is the founder of RZIM Zacharias Trust. Ravi’s own journey has been one of remarkable transformation from a turbulent childhood in Asia to becoming one of the world’s best-known apologists. Born in India in the 1940s, Ravi’s religious upbringing was an eclectic blend of both spirituality and superstition. Although his parents were nominally Christian, they did not have a personal faith in Christ and their routine involved attending the temple during festive occasions as well as consulting palmists from time to time. Read more about Ravi Zacharias by clicking this link: http://www.rzim.eu/biography-ravi-zacharias
homosexuality, christian view homosexuality, gay marriage