Is this a growing trend? Are teenagers resorting to a high class prostitution taking advantage of the advancing technology and the obscure legality of prositution? Earlier this year, In the United States, a Fox News Story reported a 22-year-old woman, Natalie Dylan, is selling her virginity online — offering her body to bidders nationwide in an auction that reportedly has netted a $3.7 million offer — and the law isn’t doing a thing to stop her. Then another teenager Alina Percea, 18, in the United Kingdon auctioned her virginity on a website so that she could afford to pay for her computing degree. Percea said she was inspired to auction herself on a German erotic website after reading how American woman Natalie Dylan, 22, from San Diego, had put her virginity up for sale for £2.5million. Percea even revealed her “first time” story to be published.
What’s going on? Have we lost our sense of morality in our society? Our once “daddy’s little girls” are now putting their “fresh meat” on the market! Yes, these young girls obviously needs money. Yes, they have their own private and personal reasons to do it. And yes, they are no longer “minors.” But what is disturbing is the apparent laxity of concerned parents, government officials, and unmindful businessmen. Is our world now so wicked to tolerate and allow these things to happen right before our eyes?
To some governments like New Zealand, prostitution is legal. But we have to understand that what is legal is not necessary moral. I lived in New Zealand for several years and I have witnessed how government officials tolerate scandalous and obscene activities like the yearly “Boobs on Bikes” at the heart of Queen Street in Auckland. That despite several killings of prostitutes in its major cities, the New Zealand government is not doing much to address the perils of prostitution. I wonder how many teenagers are working in various brothels, dim streets, and even public toilets.
But what about the auction website ineed.co.nz? Are the owners of this website just trying to gain publicity or just plain insensitivity? Of course, this is a “little known” auction site knowing that “Trade Me” is so popular in New Zealand. All I can say is, shame on this website! Kiwis shouldn’t be patronising such irresponsible auction site.
To the young teenager, I hope you realise the moral consequences of your actions. I hope that the winning bidder does not have AIDS, Syphilis, or any STDs. I want to tell you that God loves you despite of what you’ve done. God does not condemn you. Jesus Christ can make you clean as white as snow. He can remove even the toughest stain of sin if you are willing. May you encounter the love of God and realise that He has great plans and purpose for your life. Repent and put your trust in Christ.
Finally, to the patron bidders of this young girl’s virginity, I hope one of these days you will not be bidding on the virginity of your daughters, grand daughters, sisters, or even grandmas. Seek the Lord while He may be found.
Photo Credit: http://www.chitramala.com/img2/2009/07/virginity-for-sell.jpg
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