Be Inspired! It's All About Jesus

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I am So Blessed With This Powerful Testimony of Pastor Carter Conlon

This is the powerful testimony of Pastor Carter Conlon. He is the Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. This was recorded in 2010 in Dublin, Ireland at The Annual Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Conference. He was a former police officer. He relates his faith as a young boy, how he made a huge life changing encounter with God that changed his views, and the miracle working power of God in the life of his dad.

Pastor Carter Conlon Testimony

Pastor Carter Conlon is senior pastor of Times Square Church, an inter-denominational church in New York City, where he joined the pastoral staff in 1994 at the invitation of founding pastor David Wilkerson. Read more about him at

Atheists Best Kept Secret

Atheist joke

An atheist believes Nothing made everything. (A scientific impossibility) …space and time both started at the Big Bang and therefore there was nothing before it.

Here’s a joke I found on the web:
An atheist buys an ancient lamp at an auction, takes it home, and begins to polish it. Suddenly, a genie appears, and says, “I’ll grant you three wishes, Master.” The atheist says, “I wish I could believe in you.” The genie snaps his fingers, and suddenly the atheist believes in him. The atheist says, “Wow. I wish all atheists would believe this.” The genie snaps his fingers again, and suddenly atheists all over the world begin to believe in genies. “What about your third wish?” asks the genie. “Well,” says the atheist, “I wish for a billion dollars.” The genie snaps his fingers for a third time, but nothing happens. “What’s wrong?” asks the atheist. The genie shrugs and says, “Just because you believe in me, doesn’t necessarily mean that I really exist.”

Atheist’s Best Kept Secret

The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD

source: Youtube, Thewayofthemaster

The Importance of Obedience for Christians

My little children, let us not love in Word or in tongue ,but in deed and in truth. God says don’t love me with just your words. Don’t just love me with your tongue. Show me your love by your deeds and your actions. You turn to the Song of Solomon you’ll find very emotional sentimental words that we understand. Loving words that the human mind understands. The kind of words we express between husband and wife and those who deeply in love. But it goes beyond sentiment. It goes beyond feeling. It goes beyond our emotion. He filters every song. He judges every prayer that comes as incense before his throne. He judges it . He filters it. He examines it. And sad to say the majority of what ascends into the heavens supposedly as incense is rejected.

Obedience for Christians

Continue to Read the Text..

Jesus said, in no uncertain terms, to love him is to hear and obey His commandments. In other words, it’s impossible to love Jesus only with your words in your tongue. Impossible. It is something you do. It’s something I do. Here it really nails it down 1 John 5:3. For this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and His commandments are not grievous. None nothing could be clearer in the Word of God. Love for the Lord goes beyond sentimentality. It goes beyond emotion. Beyond our feelings. Beyond our words. Beyond our singing. Love for the Lord as it’s prescribed here by Jesus himself is obedient. It’s obedience to his every word. obedience to his word. if you keep my Commandments, you shall abide or live in my love. You want to really not just come to me with sessions of love not just expressions of love but you want to live in love with me. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a 24-hour lifestyle. If you keep my Commandments you shall abide or live in my love. Even as I have kept my father’s Commandments and I abide in his love loving me has everything to do with obeying me. In your hunger and in your desire to know my Commandments to hear my word to obey my word fully, that is to love me. If you seek me and by the help of the Holy Ghost to understand my word. And if you will pray for the Holy Ghost to give you ability and power and enablement to keep my word, and your loving me.

If David understood that all of his singing all of birds all of this whether it’s written or verbalized had to come out of an obedient heart. He said if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me. In spite of all my souls, my love solves all my expressions of love if I regard and the word regards that means if I’ve made peace with my sin if I’ve decided to live with it and live in this disobedience God will not hear me. I will not give this up I will live with my sin I’ve made peace with it there’s no more conviction. I want nothing to do with being convicted that most absolutely sets you off from the love of Jesus Christ. you cannot possibly love him or his love for you is undying. His mercy is everlasting. but there’s no possibility that you could receive love from that kind of a heart. Psalms 28 9 he that turn of the way his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shall be an abomination. he didn’t make us a commandment to obey his word without in the New Testament giving us all the power of the Holy Ghost we need to do what he told us to do. David said thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee that word hidden Hebrew is org I have hoarded up the Word of God so that when I face sin when I face temptation I have the word hidden in my heart that’s why we beg you. we beseech you. repeat with you to read and to study and get into this and play Holy Ghost make it real hoard it up build it up and you’re hiding in your heart and I might not sin against you a Lord. listen to his heart Lord make me to go in the path of your Commandments. for then do therein do I delight take not the word of truthwholly out of my mouth because I do love that Commandments. Listen he says: “Oh God when I’m going to straight make me to go in the right path of your Commandments. I love your word I love to be reproved by it. I believe that the test of your holiness is that a man loves to be reproofed by the Word of God. he’s not afraid of it he wants and he desires godly reproof first of all check check your your obedience Lord is there Harry in my life and go back let the Holy Ghost examine and then say “Lord give me power to obey if I have to go make something right.” I want get into this book their condition problem plus obedience the Word of God that has to be dealt with if we bypass the root problem I’m gonna have stand before God and tell you all the lovin you want to love Jesus so I want to serve the Lord love him with all my heart then you’re gonna have to stand right before his presence right now say Lord I know now that I can’t love you must obey obey your word were you right now open up your heart say Jesus in this next week send the Holy Ghost into my life. b\Because if you’re saved you have the Holy Ghost there just comfort strengthened convicted when he comes he said you’ll convict of sin he warned you of the judgment once then he lead you into the path of righteousness. And he will convict of sin .And then when you deal with that then it opens up the door that the favor and the blessing of God.


Obedience, Obedience for Christians, David Wilkerson, David Wilkerson sermons

When I Say I am A Christian

When I Say I am a Christian

When I say…”I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting “I am saved”
I’m whispering “I was lost!”
That is why I chose this way.
“When I say…”I am a Christian”
I don’t speak of this with pride.
I’m confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.
When I say…”I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong.
I’m professing that I’m weak
and pray for strength to carry on.
When I say…”I am a Christian”
I’m not bragging of success.
I’m admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say…”I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are too visible
but God believes I’m worth it.
When I say…”I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I seek His name.
When I say…”I am a Christian”
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I’m loved
– by Carol S. Wimmer

Do You Desire God? – Paul Washer

“Let me ask you a question, “Do You Have A Passion For God?”“Do You Desire Him?” “Do You Long For Him?” Yes, we all go through times in which our hearts are dull. Yes, we go through times when we need to be encouraged. Yes, we all go through times when our eyes are mesmerized by things they should not be. Yes, we all struggle in that but if someone would look at your life would they say, “This person has a passion, not for ministry, not for missions, not for evangelism, but for God.” The sign of a genuine work of God in the heart is that you began to hate the sin you once loved and to love the righteousness you once ignored.” – Paul Washer

Do You Desire God? Paul Washer

About Paul Washer

Paul Washer is the founder of HeartCry Missionary. He became a Christian Washer while studying to become an oil and gas lawyer at the University of Texas at Austin. He moved to Peru where he became a missionary for 10 years. After graduating, he moved to Peru and served there as a missionary for ten years, during which time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society in order to support Peruvian church planters. HeartCry’s work now supports indigenous missionaries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, North America, and Latin America. Paul now serves as one of the laborers with the HeartCry Missionary Society. He and his wife Charo have four children: Ian, Evan, Rowan, and Bronwyn.


Paul Washer, Do You Desire God Paul Washer, Paul Washer sermons, Paul Washer Preaching

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