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Overcoming Pornography: Tim’s Testimony

pornography addiction testimonyChristians men are not immune to pornography. With the advancement of technology especially the internet, men have easy access to pornography. It’s a tough battle once it becomes an addiction. Watch this testimony of Tim Broersma who allowed porn addiction to escalate to adultery. When his wife Stephanie found out about the infidelity, the couple had to decide how they would move forward in their marriage. Thanks to the The Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN ( for uploading this video on their Youtube Channel.

Freedom from Pornography
…”we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” – Romans 8:23

“For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.” – Mark 7:21-23

“Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:1b-2a

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” – 1 Corinthians 10:12-13

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” – 1 Timothy 6:11-12

Overcoming pornography is possible!

Credits: Video Uploaded by  in Youtube

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke – The ABC of the Gospel

Reinhard Bonnke The ABC of the Gospel

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is principally known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the Continent of Africa. He founded the international ministry of Christ for all Nations (CfaN), which currently has offices in the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Nigeria, South Africa, Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong. He has been an evangelist and missionary in Africa since 1967. Over 52 million people in the last decade have committed their lives to Christ through his ministry.

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is principally known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the Continent of Africa. The son of a pastor, Reinhard gave his life to the Lord at age nine, and heard the call to the African mission field before he was even a teenager. After attending Bible College in Wales, and his ordination in Germany he pastored a church and then went on to start missionary work in Africa. It was there, in the small mountain kingdom of Lesotho, that God placed upon his heart the vision of ‘the continent of Africa, being washed in the precious Blood of Jesus’ — an entire continent, from Cape Town to Cairo and from Dakar to Djibouti that needed to be reached and to hear the proclamation of the signs-following Gospel. He began holding meetings in a tent that accommodated just 800 people, but, as attendance steadily increased, larger and larger tents had to be purchased, until finally, in 1984, he commissioned the construction of the world’s largest mobile structure — a tent capable of seating 34,000 people! Soon, attendance at his meetings even exceeded the capacity of this huge structure, and he began open-air Gospel Campaigns with an initial gathering of over 150,000 people per service! Since then, he has conducted city-wide meetings across the continent with as many as 1,600,000 people attending a single meeting using towering sound systems that can be heard for miles.

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke hosts  ‘Fire Conferences’ in many different countries of the world. Events that are aimed at equipping church leaders and workers for evangelism. Watch him preach “The ABC of the Gospel” in the CfAn Fire Conference, held in Cape Town, South Africa on the video below.


Reinhard Bonnke: The ABC of the Gospel

What’s Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham

What is the greatest problem of this world? Rev. Billy Graham discuss this very important topic that are rarely preach on at this age especially in a “feel good”, “prosperity”, and “self help” congregations. Where there is no longer conviction and no fear of breaking God’s Ten Commandments, then we are in a huge pestilence.
What's Wrong with the World 1958 by Dr. Billy Graham

What’s Wrong with the World? by Dr.Billy Graham

Theologians have sought for centuries to determine what the essence of sin is. Some have chosen sensuality, others selfishness, and still others pride or unbelief. In the Old Testament, God applied different penalties to different sins, suggesting variations in the seriousness of some sins. A thief paid restitution; an occult practitioner was cut off from Israel; one who committed adultery or a homosexual act or cursed his parents was put to death (see Exodus, chapter 22 and Leviticus, chapter 20). In the New Testament Jesus said it would be more bearable on the day of judgment for Sodom than for Capernaum because of Capernaum’s unbelief and refusal to repent after witnessing His miracles (Matthew 11:23-24). The sins of Sodom were identified in Ezekiel 16:21 as arrogance, gluttony, indifference to the poor and needy, haughtiness, and “detestable things.”… remember that whether our sins are relatively small or great, they will place us in hell apart from God’s grace. The good news is that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and the sins of the whole world at the Cross. If we will repent and turn to Jesus in faith, our sins will be forgiven, and we will receive the gift of eternal life. – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

What’s Wrong with the World, Dr.Billy Graham sermon, Billy Graham preaching, timeless preaching, sin, repentance


Actor Kirk Cameron on Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, and Abortion

Kirk Cameron sat down with CNN’s Piers Morgan last Friday and they discussed about Marriage, Homosexuality, and abortion. It drew so much attention on the media, the Gay & Lesbian people, internet blogs, Youtube, and other discussion sites.

I support Kirk Cameron‘s stand and I admire him for putting  a brave face in making his stand known in prime time television. Kirk Cameron is the lead actor in the film [amazon_link id=”B001KEHAFI” target=”_blank” ]Fireproof[/amazon_link]   and He is also an active Christian evangelist, currently partnering with Ray Comfort in the evangelical ministry The Way of the Master.

Kirk Cameron on Homosexuality

Actor Kirk Cameron on Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, and Abortion

On Marriage:

“I believe that marriage was designed by God a long time ago — marriage is almost as old as dirt and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve — one man, one woman for life till death do you part.” “I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage, and I don’t think anyone else should either so do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.” – Kirk Cameron quote

On Homosexuality:

“I think that it’s unnatural, I think that it’s detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization” Kirk Cameron quote

On Abortion:

“Abortion is wrong in any circumstances. “I think that someone who is ultimately willing to murder a child, even to fix another tragic and devastating situation like rape or incest or things like that, is not taking the moral high road,” Cameron said. “I think that we’re compounding the problem by also murdering a little child.” Kirk Cameron quote

[amazon_link asins=’B001OHS8BQ,B078Y2T8GX’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’us’ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9c334921-8a55-11e8-aaae-ef3cf89ff377′]

How to Be Delivered – Derek Prince

Derek Prince How to Be Delivered

Derek Prince

This is a very enlightening sermon by Derek Prince. He was educated at Britain’s finest universities. While serving in the British army during World War II, he experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. He then devoted his life to the teaching and study of the Bible and became internationally recognized as a leading authority on Bible prophecy. His daily radio program continues to touch lives around the world.

Derek Prince How to Be Delivered

My description of demons is persons without bodies. It’s very important to realize you are dealing with a person. In the early years of my ministry I suffered from intense depression. It would come over me and rest upon me like a dark cloud, shut me in, keep me from communicating, and I struggled with it. I did everything. I prayed, I fasted, I reckoned myself dead, I knew the Scriptures. And the more I prayed and fasted, the worse it got. I had no remedy and one day I was reading Isaiah 61 and it said, “In place of the spirit of heaviness, the garment of praise.” The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “That’s your problem. A spirit of heaviness, of depression.” And when I knew I was dealing with a person, and not myself—you see I’d been blaming myself for all of this. When I discovered it was another person I was 80 percent to victory. And actually I understood, by revelation, that it was a familiar spirit; that is a spirit that follows a family up. I realized that the same spirit had affected my father for many years. So all I needed was one other Scripture. Let me share it with you. Joel 2:32: ” And it shall come to pass, That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be delivered. I called on the name of Jesus and I was delivered.Derek Prince
How to Be Delivered - Derek Prince

[amazon_link asins=’0800792602,0800795288′ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’us’ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’14df0485-7b45-11e8-9c4c-69eb17c4332d’]

Tags: Deliverance, How to be deliverance, casting out demons, Derek Prince, Derek Prince Ministries

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