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World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Tyson Fury Praised Jesus Christ as He Win Over Deontay Wilder

Tyson Fury praised Jesus Christ

First and foremost I want to say thank you to my Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. I said those who bring evil against me will not prosper. I said those who stand in the dark can never come into the light. Praise be to the one and only true God Jesus Christ.”  – Tyson Fury

This is a real victory for every Christian who has the heart to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tyson Fury used the primetime boxing stage to announce his commitment and faith to his one and only true God, the LORD Jesus Christ.


Tyson Luke Fury is a British professional boxer. He is a two-time heavyweight world champion. He has held the WBC and The Ring magazine and recently defeated Deontay Wilder in February 2020 Word Boxing Title Fight. Fury previously held the unified WBA (Super), IBF, WBO, IBO, The Ring magazine, and lineal titles by defeating Wladimir Klitschko in 2015.

THROWBACK: Tyson Fury thanks Jesus Christ after defeating Wladimir Klitschko

TYSON Fury, 6′ 9″ tall, is also known as the “Gypsy King,” reflecting his proud heritage as a British gypsy (a label more often associated with reproach rather than pride). On November 28, 2015, Fury stunned the boxing world by defeating the long-reigning champion Wladimir Klitschko.

Hilarious Video: Will You Follow Jesus on Twitter?

follow Jesus

This is simply hilarious. It’s creative media of the modern times. What if Jesus had a Twitter account? Will you follow Him?

The power of the internet is a perfect platform to win people for Christ. We should not ignore this. Billions of people log-in to the internet daily. As the “salt” and “light” of this world, we must adopt technology to advance our cause for Christ.

I Have a Friend Named Jesus

I have a friend named Jesus.
Theres no other friend like He.
I have a friend named Jesus.
Gave His life to set me free.

I have a friend named Jesus.
A perfect, sinless man.
I have a friend named Jesus.
For me He has a plan.

I have a friend named Jesus.
On Him I can rely.
I have a friend named Jesus.
All my needs He will supply.


Follow Jesus! Follow Jesus!
Credits: Uploaded by in Youtube
Hilarious Video Will You Follow Jesus on Twitter


Must Watch: Zac Poonen – Deception in the Last Days

What will be the sign of your coming? Matthew 24 verse 3. What is the first thing Jesus said? Not about Israel, not about wars, not about tsunamis, not about earthquakes! What is the first thing? He said, make sure nobody deceives you. Deception is going to be one of the greatest characteristics of the last days and that’s the only thing he kept on repeating. Wars and rumors of wars he said in 1 verse verse 6 and never mentioned it again. Israel, if you count Israel as the fig tree he mentioned it in verse 32 once and that was it. But when it comes to deception he kept on repeating it. See to it that no one misleads you verse 4 verse 11 many false prophets will arise and mislead many again, deception. And again it’s he says in those verse 23 if someone says to you that here is Christ and there’s Christ don’t believe them because many false Christ’s false prophets will arise and even show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect behold I have told you in advance verse 25 deception is going to be the greatest characteristic of the last days..” – Zac Poonen. Watch full video below and hear what the Holy Spirit is telling.


Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for over 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 30 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.

Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. For Zac Poonen’s personal testimony, go to the following links:
The Day Of Small Beginnings


Zac Poonen, Zac Poonen preachings, Sermons, Zac Poonen preachings

Gang Leader and MMA Fighter Becomes Pastor After Hearing Jesus Speak To Him

“I just got heavier into the streets. In and out of jail my whole life. Habitual violent offender or half dead in a hospital like five six times been shot at. Countless times I’ve had bullets grazed my head. I’ve had a gun jam in my face. See my friends die in front of me. I’ve seen it all. I’ve been through it all. I’ve done it all.” – Rene Martinez, Gang Leader and MMA Fighter

Watch the story of a notorious gang leaders radical encounter with God and his mission to reach out to others on the streets with the love of Christ

One day, while he was recording music in his garage, he clearly heard Jesus say, “I spared you for such a time as this. I saw my whole life flash before my eyes – when a gun was jammed in my face when a bullet whistled by my ear – I almost died five or six times – and all my friends that died. God set me free for a reason. I repented right there,” he recalled.

Rene “Level” Martinez is now a pastor preaching to gang members, prostitutes, drug dealers and on the streets. He believes that if he was able to get free from life on the streets, that God could also free others through his testimony.

Credits: Life Today


Christian testimony, encounter with God, Gang leader testimony, MMa Fighter testimony

Muslim Meets Jesus in Dream and Gets Marked with an incredible Sign

“I had this dream, and in the dream Jesus came. First, he touched my forehead with his hand and he said you have been saved, you have been saved. Then he opened his hand and placed it on my chest, and he said you belong to me. One again he said you are saved and then you belong to me and he was smiling. And this is what I wanted to say this is what he looks like. From his waist up he was naked and shining pure white He had a beard like in the pictures, but a little bit longer. His hair and his beard it was as if every hair was electrified light, chining from every hair. That’s how handsome he was. When he smiled, his teeth were shining white, and I was amazed at the way he stood there... Watch full video below:

Muslim Meets Jesus in Dream

I got down on my knees, because the only thing I knew to worship was to go down on my knees. So I got on my knees, and I said yes, Jesus, whatever you say I’m gonna do it.


Muslim convert to Christian, evangelism, Muslim faith

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