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Tag: conversion stories

Atheist Doctor Converts to Christianity – Amazing Testimonial

Atheist Doctor Converts to Christianity - Amazing Testimonial photo
Greg, a medical doctor, lives in a neighborhood where he challenge his neighbors trying to disprove that they are not practicing what they preach or what they read on the Bible. He then begin reading the Bible and what happened next is this amazing testimonial.

Atheist Doctor Converts to Christianity – Greg’s Testimony

Atheist Doctor Converts to Christianity - Amazing Testimonial

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23

Testimonials, conversion stories, redemption, testimony, atheists

Amazing Testimony of An Ex Atheist Dr. Donald Whitaker

Watch this amazing testimony of a former atheist Dr Donald Whitaker. A hardcore atheist, he had everything going for him and living a life totally out of control. An alcoholic, party drugs user, and loves booze. He was in research science with PhDs. He was very influential in state politics, and was very well connected with the rich and famous like Ringo Star. But his life was put to test when he had a life threatening sickness that he realized that death is on his way. It was then that he realized that he needed God.

Amazing Testimony of Dr. Donald Whitaker

It is very easy to be an atheist when you’re successful. You have worked your way from Oklahoma welfare to be one of the powerful men in your part of your country. One of the most powerful men in the state of Oklahoma in relation to political. It’s very easy to be an atheist when you’ve done that. Man can sit back and say I don’t need God. What is God. But it is difficult to be an atheist if you are laying on your death bed because you begin to think, what if these people (Christians) are right. – Dr. Donald Whitaker

Amazing Testimony of An Ex Atheist Dr. Donald Whitaker

Tags: testimonies, christian testimonies, Amazing Testimony of An Ex Atheist Dr. Donald Whitaker, atheist, conversion stories, evangelism, Dr Donald Whitaker Testimony, Atheist testimony


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