“For followers of Jesus, servant leadership isn’t an option; it’s a mandate. Servant leadership is to be a living statement of who we are in Christ, how we treat one another, and how we demonstrate the love of Christ to the whole world.”
– Kenneth H. Blanchard, Lead Like Jesus
I was browsing at Youtube and found this video of Ken Blanchard talking about his famous book Lead Like Jesus. Thanks to Biola University for uploading this video on their youtube channel. Ken Blanchard was their guest speaker at their Leadership Lecture Series. It’s great to watch and hear from one of the most influential speakers and communicators in the history of leadership management, Ken Blanchard!!! Watch and enjoy the video below.
Video: Ken Blanchard Lead Like Jesus
About Ken Blanchard
“Ken Blanchard is a prominent, sought-after author, speaker, and business consultant, Dr. Blanchard is respected for his lifetime of groundbreaking research and thought leadership that has influenced the day-to-day management and leadership of people and companies throughout the world. With a passion to turn every leader into a servant leader, Ken Blanchard shares his insightful and powerful message with audiences around the world through speeches, consulting services, and bestselling books. When Ken speaks, he speaks from the heart with warmth and humor. No matter how large the audience, he is able to communicate with each person as if the two of them were alone and talking one on one. Ken is a sophisticated storyteller with a knack for making the seemingly complex easy to understand. Ken’s impact as an author is far reaching. His iconic 1982 classic, The One Minute Manager, coauthored with Spencer Johnson, has sold more than 13 million copies and remains on bestseller lists today. In the past three decades he has authored or coauthored 60 books whose combined sales total more than 21 million copies.” Read more at Ken Blanchard official website.
My Favorites Quotes: Ken Blanchard Lead Like Jesus Talk
1. “And so, what I realized is that we had the greatest leadership role model of all-time right amongst us and how many of you know that the world is in desperate need of a different leadership role model? We’ve seen what self-serving leaders have done in every sector of society. And we badly need servant leaders, people who are there to serve rather than to be served. And here we have ’em, what blew my mind, ’cause you know, I didn’t come up in any traditional way, is it wasn’t being taught in the divinity schools, it wasn’t being taught in the churches, it wasn’t being taught in a University like this, and I went, “Woah, what’s going on?” So I said, “I guess that’s what you want me to do, Lord.” So, what I’ve done is committed my life to try to spread the word around the world about Jesus as the greatest leadership role model. And it’s so interesting as you go around the world, everybody loves Jesus, they just don’t like Christians.” – Ken Blanchard
2. “And I think that if we went out there, I think that the next great evangelist movement from my standpoint is going to be demonstration, not proclamation. I think if we want people to follow our faith, we oughta behave differently. And that’s what Lead Like Jesus is all about.” – Ken Blanchard
3. “Most people don’t mention any boss they’ve ever had, they mention their mother, their father, their grandfather, a friend, a teacher, maybe a coach. See, leadership is an influence process. Any time you attempt to influence the thinking, beliefs or development of somebody else, you’re engaging in leadership. So every one of you have life role leaderships.” – Ken Blanchard
4. “Realize every single human being is important. Nobody’s more important than anybody.” – Ken Blanchard
5. “Servant leaders are all about creating a vision and then helping everybody arrive at that vision and accomplish, and it’s just wonderful. It’s the only way to get great performance and great human satisfaction together.”- Ken Blanchard
6. “The best leadership book you’re ever gonna read is the Bible. I mean it’s just extraordinary, and don’t think you gotta go out there and preach, go out there and behave. So people come up to you, I’ve see you operate in tough times and this kind of times. Where do you get that strength, I just see this inner peace in you, and then you can tell ’em. That’s a pretty powerful thing for them to get.” – Ken Blanchard
7. “So, that’s what leading like Jesus is really all about. It’s about looking in your heart. Are you here to serve or be served, and understanding in your head about vision and direction and implementation, about the leadership part and then the servant part, and realizing to really make it in your behavior you gotta be a servant, where you realize it’s not about you, it’s about the people you’re serving. You gotta be a steward, you don’t own anything. It’s all on loan, how are you stewarding what’s on loan to you. And the shepherd, every human being is important. And then habits of solitude, prayer, study of scripture, small accountability group and trusting the unconditional love of the Lord.”- Ken Blanchard
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