Change is possible! God can transform anyone!!!
A number of former homosexuals and transgendered people gathered recently outside the U.S. Congress to say sexual identity can be changed, and their changed lives are proof. Watch Video below.
WATCH VIDEO: Former LGBTQers Testimonies
Former LGBTQers Testimonies
“For a long time, I was very broken and hurt. I found out that I was HIV positive because I was promiscuous. My generation would say a ‘ho.’ While I was searching for men, sleeping around a lot, I didn’t realize that there was a man looking for me.” “And His name is Jesus. I was able to find a church where they loved me. And they taught me that my identity is not my behavior. My identity was not who I thought it was. But it was a child of God. So I stand here to say that I was a homosexual, a former ‘ho.’ And now I am a child of God.”

“My name is Angel Colon. I am a former homosexual. I am a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub shooting on June 12, 2016. I was shot six times, sustained a shattered femur and suffered nerve damage. A day I will never forget — a big turning point in my life. Even in the midst of chaos, I prayed and prophesied over my life that I would survive and live free. And here I am today, standing here with no pain, here in the Capitol with my Changed family. Many think I’ve made my decision to leave the LGBT community lifestyle because of the shooting. But I was desiring change way before June 12, 2016. Going through this horrible tragedy made me make the biggest decision in my life, which I’m very happy with. I made this decision a year after the Pulse nightclub shooting — finding what was the most important thing in my life, which was finding my true identity. Which was in Christ. And today I stand here in the Capitol, sharing to the world that change is possible. Yes, I am known as a Pulse survivor, but I really want to be known as living proof that God does transform lives.”
“My name is KathyGrace Duncan, I’m from Portland Oregon and I’m a former trans-man, former transgender. Before I went to kindergarten, at a very early age like three or four, I believed that I should have been a man. I felt that I should have been a man. Dysfunctional family situations: my dad was very emotionally and verbally abusive to my mom, which told me that women were hated, women were weak and they were vulnerable.” “I was then molested by a family member which went on for two years, also confirming that women were weak, vulnerable and hated. At age 18, I finally surrendered and went into the lifestyle, took hormones and changed my name. From there, I began to live as a man. Two weeks later, I got saved. However, because I didn’t hear from the Lord, I thought He was okay with my lifestyle.” “Four years later I was confronted by the church, and they asked me ‘Who are you? Who are you really?’ And at that point, I told the truth and said ‘I’m a woman living as a man.’ And the Holy Spirit blew into me. And I realized at that point I needed to go back to being the woman that He created me to be. The next day I started that journey out. Five years later — it took five years for the hormone effects to really wear off — and at that point, I crossed over and began to live fully as a woman. That was 26 years ago. And I have to say, I’m changed I’m free. I no longer struggle with the attraction to women.”
“I’m a person who formerly had a same-sex attraction. When I was very young in New York City, my father – who is a pastor – raped me. And when I got to kindergarten, my mother and my father decided to take me out of school. And I was taken out of school for a total of eight years. And during that time, I was tortured by my mother. My mother was very hurt by men. So any sign of masculinity was a trigger and a threat to her. I can remember her beating me with a wire hanger until I was bloody and putting alcohol all over my body as I stood in front of a mirror. And I learned at that moment that I could not be masculine. I learned that I had to be effeminate. I had to emulate my sisters to avoid triggering her and so that I could survive.” “By the time I was 18, I had been living in Alaska for a year. I had been through foster care. That was a time where the things that I had suppressed began to manifest themselves through pornography addiction. By that time I had a restraining order. I was in anger management. I was in counseling for PTSD. And I had a measure of gender dysphoria. And it was also that year that a friend who was 18 decided to force me to go to church. I wanted nothing to do with church. But when I went to that church, I saw something in those people’s eyes that I had never seen before. I saw a God that my parents did not tell me about. Those people in that church – they didn’t hate me or anything. They loved me. I saw life inside of them and I wanted that freedom and that life. The love that I saw inside of their eyes convicted me of the error of my ways. And I remember for three weeks just telling God how sorry I was for all the wrong that I had done. And He said ‘Christopher, I love you.'”
Credits: CBN News