Be Inspired! It's All About Jesus

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Muslim Meets Jesus in Dream and Gets Marked with an incredible Sign

“I had this dream, and in the dream Jesus came. First, he touched my forehead with his hand and he said you have been saved, you have been saved. Then he opened his hand and placed it on my chest, and he said you belong to me. One again he said you are saved and then you belong to me and he was smiling. And this is what I wanted to say this is what he looks like. From his waist up he was naked and shining pure white He had a beard like in the pictures, but a little bit longer. His hair and his beard it was as if every hair was electrified light, chining from every hair. That’s how handsome he was. When he smiled, his teeth were shining white, and I was amazed at the way he stood there... Watch full video below:

Muslim Meets Jesus in Dream

I got down on my knees, because the only thing I knew to worship was to go down on my knees. So I got on my knees, and I said yes, Jesus, whatever you say I’m gonna do it.


Muslim convert to Christian, evangelism, Muslim faith

US President Donald Trump Christmas Message Praises Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

During the annual lighting of the White House Christmas tree this year, President Donald Trump made good on his promise to bring “Merry Christmas” back to America. He then doubled down by referring the Jesus Christ as “God” and “Our Lord and Savior”.

Watch Video: President Donald Trump Christmas Message

“Christians give thanks that the son of God came into the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace.” – President Donald Trump


Donald Trump, Donald Trump Christmas Message, Donald Trump Christmas speech, Donald Trump Christian

When I Became a Man

when i became a man clayton Jennings

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.“- 1 Corinthians 13:11

When I became a Man Clayton Jennings

When I became a Man – by Clayton Jennings

When I became a man I put away childish things. But before I became a man I didn’t always fit the shoes of the king. I was so lost and alone listening to a world that said do it on your own. Jesus was an afterthought this world was my home. Bumpin marshall matters in my car like yeah im grown. ‘Get putting god first I was the lord of my own throne And searching for satisfaction is all I that had known Because before I became a man I was just a middle class clone. When I became a man I woke up. I stopped wasting my life hoping and wishing that a better life would just show up. I started listening to my mom since “son you need to grow up.” So I grew up And then the thought of an average like made me want to though up. So I threw up Yeah’. I threw up my hands and said God I’m tired of being a boy. I’m ready to become a man. Because one day when my son takes my hand I want him to know its not about what his dad said its about where his dad stands. I want him to know that I believe in a God who inspires us to have a big dreams and bigger plans. I want him to know that son if God is for you the naysayers of this world do not stand a chance Because there is a difference between being a boy and being a man. When I became a man I was ridiculed and laughed at Whispers behind my back like “is he really like that” He must be uneducated. I was put down and degraded Friendships lost and relationships faded Only because I have chose to live the life for which I had been created. It’s funny how when you mention “Jesus” Your suddenly hated. When I became a man. Its funny because it’s the same people that came back around years later when they saw me in the paper doing things with my life and giving glory to my savior. And then I get a text a email a call My life is in ruins can we talk at all. Yeah we can talk I’m still here. But I’m just gonna tell you about Jesus even if its not what you want to hear. But I’m guessing you already knew that I would because you used to make fun of me for it. Misunderstood So tell about your life And I’ll tell you about your need for Christ. And we can keep our conversation secret. Your text about wanting to learn more about Jesus. Don’t worry no one will see it But I hope one day you see fit. To step out of the trap your trapped in and run to Jesus and take his hand and find a life full of purpose and passion. As for the jokes that you cracked when I took a stand. Don’t worry about it life isn’t easy when you leave the boys to become a man. When I became a man I did away with a notion for living for the weekend Because I looked at society and all I saw was week men Getting up on Monday Dying for Friday. Traveling their leased cars on the highways and byways Like material things is all that defines me. Had the cubical jobs trying to climb the latter Clinging to money like its all that matters. Boys who never became men. Stuck forever in the past tense. Trapped in spiritual adolescence. When I became a man and looked at my peers and said I do not want to be like them. Clinging to the latest trend dying to fit in. Judging each other by the cars that they’re in He’s the man he drives the Benz. When I became a man I said I want something more for my life. More than getting wasted under neon lights on Friday nights. Only to wake up on Saturday morning only with plans to do it again. There are too many boys in this world and not enough men. When I became a man I said that when I leave this world. I would want my life to have purpose So I stopped wasting my life on things that were worthless. Every minute on the couch in front of the TV was another wasted moment and a journey that should be defining me. A journey of forming a legacy. And I didn’t want the LEGACY to be neglected So I looked at this world and said I’m not going to accept it. No I’m not going to be want you want me to be NO I ABSOLUTELY REJECT IT. When I became a man I picked up my cross and put down my shame. My sins were forgiven in Jesus name in Jesus name. My sin will forever become and afterthought of who I used to be but no longer am. Because God saw a fit to crucify the lamb so I could land in his ocean of grace and find my rest in his holy place. Because he took my place. He took my nails. He took my hell. He took my cross. He took it all because he had a plan. And for the first time I saw it when I became a man.

When I Became a Man 1 Corinthians 13 verse 11

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When I Became a Man Clayton Jennings

Inspiring Quotes of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke (1940–2019)

Here are inspiring quotes of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. These are timeliness, relevant, and faith filled words of wisdom from a great man of God who has inspired millions to come to Jesus Christ.

Pray for all men, for Christlessness is terrible.
God answers prayer. For every deadline He will throw you a lifeline. Keep believing and be blessed!
The less Holy Spirit we have, the more cake and coffee we need to keep the church going.

Reinhard Bonnke Tribute – The Speech That Broke The Internet – Most Inspiring Ever

Inspiring Quotes of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke


Inspiring Quotes of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Inspiring Quotes Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Reinhard Bonnke

Big Win for Christians: Rugby Australia and Israel Folau Settle Legal Dispute over Sacking

Big win for Christians in Australia! Wallabies Australian rugby Superstar Israel Folau has reached a confidential settlement with Rugby Australia. It has been eight months since the controversial Instagram post by Israel Folau that got him sacked from the Wallabies by Rugby Australia.

Folau, who also played for the Waratahs, had reportedly rejected a $1 million offer to walk away of his case in May. He asked for $14 million in compensation for being sacked over his controversial social media posts, which read: “Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolators: Hell Awaits You. Repent! Only Jesus Saves.

“We started this journey on behalf of all people of faith… to protect their rights of freedom of speech and religion. We now look forward to the federal government enacting the legislation necessary to further protect and strengthen these rights for all Australians.”– Israel Folau, Former Wallabies

Rugby Australia reportedly settles with Israel Folau for $8 million | Nine News Australia

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Tags: Israel Folau, Israel Folau Settlement, Rugby Australia, Religious Freedom Australia

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