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Leonard Ravenhill Sermon: The Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ

This is one of the most powerful preachings of the late Leonard Ravenhill. It’s a timeless message for those who want to grow their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:13-18: “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.”

Video: The Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ

“The proof, the standard of God’s power in the New Testament is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The standard of God’s power in the Old Testament was the deliverance of the people of Israel through the Red Sea which brought them finally into the land of promise. In the Old Testament the miracle is the raising of a dead nation, because they were in captivity, in Egypt, which is a type of the world. They were under the dominion of Pharaoh, which is a type of the devil, and they were brought as the Word of God says, “God called them with a strong hand. He delivered them with a strong hand and a stretched out arm.”” – Leonard Ravenhill

“The resurrection isn’t part of my theology, the resurrection IS A PERSON.” – Leonard Ravenhill

More Preaching of Leonard Ravenhill:

Are We Longing for Repentance? – Leonard Ravenhill Preaching

To the Preacher: The Idolatry of Intelligence by Leonard Ravenhill

Tags: Leonard Ravenhill, Leonard Ravenhill Sermons, Leonard Ravenhill preaching, Leonard Ravenhill quotes, Leonard Ravenhill Resurrection

Tell Someone About Jesus

Tell Someone about Jesus

A woman of Samaria came to draw water… John 4:7 NKJV

John records, ‘A woman of Samaria came to draw water.’ After five failed marriages her trust levels are demolished and her self-worth is zero, so she approaches Jesus cautiously. Brick by brick He takes down the wall she’s hiding behind. When He gets through, she leaves transformed. What a contrast: one chapter earlier, Nicodemus, a religious leader, came to Jesus by night, suggesting he didn’t want to risk being seen with Him. After telling him he must be born again, Jesus said, ‘… Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light… ‘ (John 3:21 NIV). At that point, Nicodemus has to make a choice. There are three lessons here:

1) Christ sees potential in you when others don’t. ‘… The Pharisees… complained, saying, ‘This Man receives sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2 NKJV). They were right! This woman was the first person Jesus introduced Himself to as the Messiah. Why didn’t He do that when He called His disciples, baptised John, cleansed the temple, performed His first miracle, or interviewed Nicodemus? Because Jesus doesn’t measure you by your past, He measures you by your potential.

2) Christ will change you, then use you to change others. Amazingly, she was the first person to preach the gospel in Samaria. ‘… Many… Samaritans… believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified… ‘ (John 4:39 NKJV).

3) Christ doesn’t need to be defended, just introduced. ‘… Many more believed because of His own word. Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world”‘ (John 4:41-42 NKJV). Today, tell someone about Jesus.

From Word for Today, By Bob Gass, The Vine


Justin Bieber Talks About His Faith in Jesus Christ

Popstar Justin Bieber sat down for an intimate one-on-one interview with Apple Music where he talked extensively about his faith in Jesus and how much he’s grown as a believer. Watch full video interview below as posted at the Youtube Channel of Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber has these words to say:

“I never really … When it says, following Jesus, it’s actually turning away from sin,” Bieber explained. “What it talks about in the Bible, there’s no faith without obedience. I had had faith about like, ‘I believe Jesus died on the cross for me, but I never really implemented it into my life.’ I never like, ‘I’m gonna be obedient.’”

“I had really bad examples of Christians in my life. Who would say one thing and do another, so they were there my direct example of who Jesus was. I didn’t take it as seriously because I didn’t have good examples,” Bieber said of his childhood faith and the shame that came to him every time he failed.

Bieber has sold 105 million records in the US alone, making him one of the world’s best-selling music artists. He recently released his new album, Changes and said while he is not pushing his belief on anyone but he hopes his testimony can help others realize they too can change.

Tags: Justin Bieber testimony, Justin Bieber Christian, Justin Bieber Changes

Powerful Testimony of COVID19 Survivor: God Sent Me a Cleaner

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:13

Our Almighty God is the God of miracles, supernatural healing, signs and wonders! This powerful testimony of a dying COVID-19 survivor is a reminder for all of us that God uses ordinary people to convey His message. God used a hospital cleaner to minister to this dying man! He did not send a high profile or famous personality to make His wondrous works known. It’s like Jesus Christ who chose ordinary men to be His closest disciples to made a lasting impact to the whole world until this day. Watch and be blessed!

WATCH VIDEO: God Sent Me a Cleaner


Photo Credit: Youtube Clip

It was two nights particularly in the hospital when I honestly didn’t know whether I would make it or not. I was under incredible pressure. Got drips up and and all that they needed to do but I remember those nights particularly really crying the Lord and asked him to help me. And asked Him to even supernaturally just do something that would encourage me and bring me through. I remember the next day I think it was the Monday or the Tuesday and I had a mate from hell and that day and that morning when no one else and you got to understand this in the isolation ward, well, no one else can get in. When no one else knew pastor, friends, and family members when no one else was allowed in. God sent a cleaner! And all of a sudden this cleaner had come in. And they’re helping cleaners in before this but this cleaner had come in and he was like a ray of sunshine. And he began to chat to me and he asked me how I was and he began to talk to me and say to me, and about about hanging in there and then we got chatting and we got talking and he and he turned round and he and and he said to me that he was a missionary in Nigeria for 14 years. He began to tell me how God had saved many many souls through his ministry. And I God had used him over the years to reach people. And here he is not cleaner and he’s encouraging my heart means telling me about souls. And I put the love of Jesus and the love of God and I’m just sitting, wow! and the soul was encouraged as I listened to him talk about how Jesus had used his life to rescue the souls of man. And I had traveled and then just this last couple of years he had find himself back home in Northern Ireland and and folks with God when God needs to reach you, He knows exactly who is there a person and in that moment of time it was a cleaner. No one else could get in, God sent a cleaner. You know it was incredible. He left that day and he says this, as he stood at the door. He said “son. can I pray for you?” I said absolutely. As he began to pray at the door, he couldn’t touch me. As he began to pray at the door, he began to ask God the Holy Ghost visit me. He began to ask God to heal my body and touch my lungs. He stood at that doorway and he pleaded with God Almighty to spare my life and to continue to use me. And then he left. And what was incredible was that, after he left, he periodically would walk past my window and give me a thumbs up. That night, I remember I started to turn around. Could it have been the prayer for cleaner? I don’t know. That night I began to desire a packet of prawn cocktail crisps, Tayto. I asked the Lord, because no one could get to me, I say, “Lord, is it possible that you could get me a packet of prawn cocktail, crisps, and a can of coke”? Because that night I began to turn. The next morning, cleaner came he brought in a bag. And in that bag was two oranges, a can of coke, and a packet of cocktail crisps. Don’t tell me that God doesn’t know. God knows our every need. He knows every desire. He just past the bag through the door, he couldn’t come in. And he just says: “it’s a gift from the Lord.” I sat up, I had the crisps. God is a God, folks, who is personal. And He knows the deepest desires of our hearts. He knows what we have need off. I want to encourage you out there today. God knows what you have need of. He knows your heart’s desire. He is an incredible Savior. Never underestimate what God can do with you. Thank you to that cleaner. You know who you are. If you ever see, this thank you for hearing the voice of God and reaching someone like me. And for you that are saved, keep your eyes upon Him. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. And for you that doesn’t know Jesus Christ, I would encourage you, lift up your eyes and look to heaven with a cry from your heart, say: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” And go home justified just as if you have never sinned. May God bless you. And may you know the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost. What a Savior. Amen.

Tags: Repentance, COVID19Testimony, Christiantestimony miracle Christian JesusChrist

Ken Blanchard: Lead Like Jesus at Biola University’s Leadership Lecture Series

Ken Blanchard Lead Like Jesus

“For followers of Jesus, servant leadership isn’t an option; it’s a mandate. Servant leadership is to be a living statement of who we are in Christ, how we treat one another, and how we demonstrate the love of Christ to the whole world.”
Kenneth H. Blanchard, Lead Like Jesus

I was browsing at Youtube and found this video of Ken Blanchard talking about his famous book Lead Like Jesus. Thanks to Biola University for uploading this video on their youtube channel. Ken Blanchard was their guest speaker at their Leadership Lecture Series. It’s great to watch and hear from one of the most influential speakers and communicators in the history of leadership management, Ken Blanchard!!! Watch and enjoy the video below.

Video: Ken Blanchard Lead Like Jesus

About Ken Blanchard

“Ken Blanchard is a prominent, sought-after author, speaker, and business consultant, Dr. Blanchard is respected for his lifetime of groundbreaking research and thought leadership that has influenced the day-to-day management and leadership of people and companies throughout the world. With a passion to turn every leader into a servant leader, Ken Blanchard shares his insightful and powerful message with audiences around the world through speeches, consulting services, and bestselling books. When Ken speaks, he speaks from the heart with warmth and humor. No matter how large the audience, he is able to communicate with each person as if the two of them were alone and talking one on one. Ken is a sophisticated storyteller with a knack for making the seemingly complex easy to understand. Ken’s impact as an author is far reaching. His iconic 1982 classic, The One Minute Manager, coauthored with Spencer Johnson, has sold more than 13 million copies and remains on bestseller lists today. In the past three decades he has authored or coauthored 60 books whose combined sales total more than 21 million copies.” Read more at Ken Blanchard official website.

My Favorites Quotes: Ken Blanchard Lead Like Jesus Talk

1. “And so, what I realized is that we had the greatest leadership role model of all-time right amongst us and how many of you know that the world is in desperate need of a different leadership role model? We’ve seen what self-serving leaders have done in every sector of society. And we badly need servant leaders, people who are there to serve rather than to be served. And here we have ’em, what blew my mind, ’cause you know, I didn’t come up in any traditional way, is it wasn’t being taught in the divinity schools, it wasn’t being taught in the churches, it wasn’t being taught in a University like this, and I went, “Woah, what’s going on?” So I said, “I guess that’s what you want me to do, Lord.” So, what I’ve done is committed my life to try to spread the word around the world about Jesus as the greatest leadership role model. And it’s so interesting as you go around the world, everybody loves Jesus, they just don’t like Christians.” – Ken Blanchard

2. “And I think that if we went out there, I think that the next great evangelist movement from my standpoint is going to be demonstration, not proclamation. I think if we want people to follow our faith, we oughta behave differently. And that’s what Lead Like Jesus is all about.” – Ken Blanchard

3. “Most people don’t mention any boss they’ve ever had, they mention their mother, their father, their grandfather, a friend, a teacher, maybe a coach. See, leadership is an influence process. Any time you attempt to influence the thinking, beliefs or development of somebody else, you’re engaging in leadership. So every one of you have life role leaderships.” – Ken Blanchard

4. “Realize every single human being is important. Nobody’s more important than anybody.” – Ken Blanchard

5. “Servant leaders are all about creating a vision and then helping everybody arrive at that vision and accomplish, and it’s just wonderful. It’s the only way to get great performance and great human satisfaction together.”- Ken Blanchard

6. “The best leadership book you’re ever gonna read is the Bible. I mean it’s just extraordinary, and don’t think you gotta go out there and preach, go out there and behave. So people come up to you, I’ve see you operate in tough times and this kind of times. Where do you get that strength, I just see this inner peace in you, and then you can tell ’em. That’s a pretty powerful thing for them to get.” – Ken Blanchard

7. “So, that’s what leading like Jesus is really all about. It’s about looking in your heart. Are you here to serve or be served, and understanding in your head about vision and direction and implementation, about the leadership part and then the servant part, and realizing to really make it in your behavior you gotta be a servant, where you realize it’s not about you, it’s about the people you’re serving. You gotta be a steward, you don’t own anything. It’s all on loan, how are you stewarding what’s on loan to you. And the shepherd, every human being is important. And then habits of solitude, prayer, study of scripture, small accountability group and trusting the unconditional love of the Lord.”- Ken Blanchard

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