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Can a Holy-Spirit-Filled Christian can have Another Spirit Living in Him?

Derek Prince, one of the most admired teacher of the Word of God, explained in this video about the possibility of having both the Holy Spirit and another spirit that is not of God in the life of a Christian believer. It’s a bit of a controversial issue if we think that because the Holy Spirit is holy, and therefore, He cannot co-exist with an unclean spirit. Derek Prince quoted to scriptures that somehow describe this situation: First, Deuteronomy 22:9 which says: “You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seed, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled.” And second, Deuteronomy 22:9 which says: ““You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.”

More from Derek Prince

How To Hear The Voice of God – A Derek Prince Audio Sermon

How To Hear The Voice of God

The Bible says: “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” This is in Exodus 15:26 As Christians, we need to to hearing from God if we are to do his will and to receive clear instructions from Him. Like Jesus, He only did what the Father has told Him to do. And these brought glory to the Father. But how to hear the voice of God? This preaching by Derek Prince gives us valuable inputs on how to hear the voice of God. Derek Prince is a Bible teacher who has been a great influence in my Christian walk. It’s about an hour audio sermon, but surely, it’s all worth it.

About Derek Prince

Derek Prince (1915-2003) was born in Bangalore India, to a British military family. At the age of 5, Derek was sent back to England, where he attended the most exclusive boarding schools, including Eton and Cambridge, where he excelled, for the rest of his childhood and adolescent years. Derek’s years at Cambridge brought him into contact with some of the luminaries of the age. He studied under the famed philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.

In a search after the true meaning of life, Derek devoted himself to studying philosophy. He read every word that Plato ever wrote-in the original Greek. However before long, when Derek found that Philosophy did not have a very clear or positive answer, he turned to Oriental cults—yoga, theosophy, and voodoo. Yet again, he ended up in disillusionment.

He had a spiritual experience, but that did not make him happy. In fact, it was followed by a gray depression that settled around him. Nonetheless, looking back, he achieved success, according to the standard of this world. He had a solid reputation in his field, he had written an acclaimed dissertation of Plato’s method of definition and its evolution. He wrote poetry in Latin and Greek. Still, he was confused and frustrated with this world, and longed for “something that was real.” READ MORE by going to this link.


Derek Prince: How Demons Can Cause Negative Thinking

Derek Prince – What sin does GOD hate the most?

How to Be Delivered – Derek Prince

Derek Prince True and False Church Part 1

Receive the Holy Spirit – Derek Prince Teaching

Spiritual Authorities in High Places ( The Three Heavens )

Spiritual Authorities in High Places ( The Three Heavens )

This is a very interesting teaching about heavens as mentioned in the Bible. You must watch it to the end. It has to do when we pray and what happens in the heavenlies.

Three heavens derek prince

The Three Heavens

“Then the first heaven I would suggest could be the visible heaven that we see the Sun the moon and the stars. So in some way that there remains a second heaven which has never called the second heaven which is somewhere between the visible heaven and the heaven don’t speak personally. I believe that’s where Satan’s Kingdom is located. I have and let me just offer you this theory. Maybe you think I’m very naive but Ruth and I travel a lot by jet airplanes and recently on the way from New Zealand to Singapore, we were flying at an altitude of 39,000 feet which is a long long way up when I get that high. I sometimes have the feeling I am above Satan’s Kingdom it’s like it’s easy to pray you don’t have to fight your way through. Proposition now this this may be completely my subjective impression but somewhere or other between God and us is a hostile Kingdom which opposes us and seeks to hinder our prayers and that’s why sometimes we have to pray through understand. It’s not that we’re praying out of the will of God. it’s not that God is unwilling to hear but we have to penetrate a hostile Kingdom in the heavenlies to reach God. Now rather than speculate, I want to give you a passage from the book of Daniel which very clearly reveals that this is so. I’m not going to read the whole chapter but if you’re interested you would do well to read the chapter for yourself later. Daniel chapter 10 this chapter relates how Daniel set-aside appeared of three weeks for special prayer and he did what we’ve come to call it Daniel fast. He didn’t give up all food but he only ate the plainest and simplest food. And he drank no wine and he ain’t no meat. And he was mourning before God on behalf of his people Israel who were captives of a Gentile Empire. And at the end of three weeks, a very glorious angel came to him with the answer to his friend which was a revelation from God of what would be the future of his people which but the angel said to him. “The first day you began to pray your prayer was heard and I was sent with the answer to your prayer but he said it took me three weeks to get through because somewhere between the throne of God and Daniel on earth I was opposed by satanic angels and I had to force my way through those angels.” So it’s very clear that at the time of Daniel, somewhere between God’s throne and earth there was this satanic Kingdom I believe it’s still there it was still there.” – Derek Prince

Derek Prince, Derek Prince Teachings, The Three Heavens, sermons, preachings, christian teaching
Video credits: Grace Digital Network

Derek Prince: How Demons Can Cause Negative Thinking

Derek Prince- How Demons Can Cause Negative Thinking

Derek Prince described demons is persons without bodies. It’s very important to realize you’re dealing with a person. He shared his testimony how he battled intense depression during his ministry and how he was able to overcome this type of demonic attack.  Watch video below for another insightful teaching of Derek Prince. Don’t forget to share this page to your friends.

Derek Prince -How Demons Can Cause Negative Thinking?

About Derek Prince

Derek Prince (1915-2003) was born in Bangalore India, to a British military family. At the age of 5, Derek was sent back to England, where he attended the most exclusive boarding schools, including Eton and Cambridge, where he excelled, for the rest of his childhood and adolescent years. Derek’s years at Cambridge brought him into contact with some of the luminaries of the age. He studied under the famed philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.

In a search after the true meaning of life, Derek devoted himself to studying philosophy. He read every word that Plato ever wrote-in the original Greek. However before long, when Derek found that Philosophy did not have a very clear or positive answer, he turned to Oriental cults—yoga, theosophy, and voodoo. Yet again, he ended up in disillusionment. He had a spiritual experience, but that did not make him happy. In fact, it was followed by a gray depression that settled around him. Nonetheless, looking back, he achieved success, according to the standard of this world.

He had a solid reputation in his field, he had written an acclaimed dissertation of Plato’s method of definition and its evolution. He wrote poetry in Latin and Greek. Still, he was confused and frustrated with this world, and longed for “something that was real.” READ MORE by going to this link.

More Teachings of Derek Prince:

Derek Prince – What sin does GOD hate the most?

Derek Prince What Sin Does God hate The Most
This is one of Derek Prince short teaching about a sin that most of us struggle with. Sometimes we are unaware and pretend that we are not guilty but God will ultimately reveal it to us and we have the opportunity to repent. As you watch this short video, may our good Lord talk straight into your heart and you will have a revelation.

Derek Prince – What sin does GOD hate the most?

About Derek Prince

Derek Prince (1915-2003) was born in Bangalore India, to a British military family. At the age of 5, Derek was sent back to England, where he attended the most exclusive boarding schools, including Eton and Cambridge, where he excelled, for the rest of his childhood and adolescent years. Derek’s years at Cambridge brought him into contact with some of the luminaries of the age. He studied under the famed philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.

In a search after the true meaning of life, Derek devoted himself to studying philosophy. He read every word that Plato ever wrote-in the original Greek. However before long, when Derek found that Philosophy did not have a very clear or positive answer, he turned to Oriental cults—yoga, theosophy, and voodoo. Yet again, he ended up in disillusionment. He had a spiritual experience, but that did not make him happy. In fact, it was followed by a gray depression that settled around him. Nonetheless, looking back, he achieved success, according to the standard of this world.

He had a solid reputation in his field, he had written an acclaimed dissertation of Plato’s method of definition and its evolution. He wrote poetry in Latin and Greek. Still, he was confused and frustrated with this world, and longed for “something that was real.” READ MORE by going to this link.


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