Steve Gardipee was a scout helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. He was shot down in a helicopter in the Vietnam war in 1970 on a rescue mission. He had an amazing near death experience. Watch the video below containing his testimony of what happened after he past away before he was rescued.
Near Death Experience Testimony
Credits: For more info, visit and
Near Death Experience, Near Death Experience testimony, Heaven, documentary
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What Happens After We Die? Watch This Two Part Series
By Thor
On November 20, 2011
In christian articles, Headline
What really happens when we die? This is a very controversial topic, at least in the modern world, and even to Christians. The Larry King Live Show invited various spiritual leaders from many faiths including Evangelical Pastor John McArthur of Grace Community Church in Southern California, a Catholic priest, a rabbi, a muslim scholar, a spirituality teacher, and a prominent Atheist leader.
After watching these two part series, I admire the straightforward and strong answers of John MacArthur. Defending Christianity in a debate is huge task. But with a great understanding and mastery of Biblical principles, we do know how to approach it.
Pt 1 John MacArthur – Larry King Live – What Happens After We Die
Pt 2 John MacArthur – Larry King Live – What Happens After We Die
What Happens After We Die?, John McArthur, Larry King Live Show, religion, interview, news talk , analysis, television, commentary, modren warfare, God, Jesus, Christ, salvation, death , truth, life, Christians, heaven, die, grave, Grace to You, John MacArthur, Bible, church